No need for 607 or 1914, 1919, 18whaever .... its all lies. Unless, one is dumb enough to believe that Jesus is ruling "invisibly" which runs absolutely contradictory to his own words about his return in the Bible ... and it became okay to practice "divination" (astrology). [JC doesn't take his place until AFTER the big A, according to the Bible.]
"19 goobly gook" is an absolute LIE which is why no one can reasonably explain it. Its the cry, "See, Christ is here!", that everyone was warned about.
If Christ were ruling "invisibly" he's doing a really shitty job. I recall his reign was supposed to usher in peace and happiness. Where's it at?
All that numerical astrology mumbo jumbo was simply to say that Jesus picked the WT leaders in 1919. That's their sole claim to fame.
They needed to make up all the other stuff to match their principle claim to fame.