Unfortunately, your replies above show what is mostly wrong with JW's: you don't emulate Jesus in how you treat others.
Ah, but lest we forget Jesus & Love don't exist [in the sense that they are supposed to] ... only death & smurfs
i'm one of the few jws that freely admit our faults and mistakes.. let's compare notes!.
Unfortunately, your replies above show what is mostly wrong with JW's: you don't emulate Jesus in how you treat others.
Ah, but lest we forget Jesus & Love don't exist [in the sense that they are supposed to] ... only death & smurfs
i'm one of the few jws that freely admit our faults and mistakes.. let's compare notes!.
Not a part of any group.
Oh, I need to add the most important thing: Jesus got the boot but pops up once a year in a ceremony devoid of any joy or meaning.
Did You Ever Regard Jehovah As Your "Friend"?
Yep. Still do.
but.....it's ok to still refer to jehovah as "our father" although those of the other sheep cannot be his "sons".
i'm confused.
how can you have a father but still (at this time) not be considered the father's child?.
Those crazies don't even have the basis of understanding to notice Jesus' "other sheep" reference was about the gentile nations who also needed to be brought into the flock.
There's only one flock.
Ignore those misled blind men.
i was asked this question by a co-worker who is also a former witless....anyone know the answer?.
i am also wondering if any salary is paid to the witless worker bees other than room/board?
Yeah, keep not going to college and working those low wage jobs struggling to pay bills while they live it up bill & debt free off your donations.
As for the rest of the money, well, shareholder dividends. Ya'll do know that, yes? They used to put the annual shareholders meeting notice in an Awake ... don't know if they still do since most of the shareholders aren't JWs.
this is mostly for those that were recruited by jws from another christian religion.
i was brought up a rc and converted to wts religion when i was young and naive.
when i switched over to wts i felt some anger towards my former religion but it was nothing compare to what i feel towards wts.
I just walked out of the WT meeting one day and never went back. Of course, I was single w/no kids too which made it quite easy.
One time tho' one of the new youngie type elders came by to have an encoura- talkie along with a sister (guess they were out making RVs in the area or whatever). Guy sat so far across the room that I yelled, "Do I offend?" When he looked as though he couldn't comprehend, I said, "Brother I'd send the question by carrier pigeon but I think they all died in the war".
The sister almost fell out of the chair laughing and the elder youngin' turned beet red; which was interesting since he was a med brown complexioned AA guy.
Weird, he never came back.
Anywho, people with whole families in the JWs is a huge difference from people whose whole families are say Catholics. (Pentacostles are like JWs tho'.) Catholics really don't care and they'll still associate as long as you are family. Basically, Catholics (nowadays) they'll just try and be nice to win you back whereas JWs treat you like a dog (ie. Medieval Catholisism behavior), family or not, and think this somehow will win people back.
i was on wikipedia looking up some of charles taze russells teachings, look at what i found.
whoa some of russells teachings where more correct than current jw teachings .
please discuss.
I used to have the actual Studies in the Scriptures Volumes ... man was that stuff wierd and full of astrology/numerology.
Russel was like a mix of Millerite & Mayan, however, I don't fault him with trying to understand the Bible, I fault him with doing something he nor anyone else has any business trying to do - something the Bible says belongs only for God to know.
That very thing the WTS today can't let go of - stealing from Jah, displacing Jesus, identity theft, etc.
The God of the Bible can't have a dayum "tree" and now he can't have a dayum "day" to himself.
When is all this theft going to end?
i've been reading this forum a for some time now.
since i find myself on a crossroad i decided to start participating.
i was at gilead in 1980 and remember standing in de elevator alone with ray franz, how just gave us a lecture.
Interesting story. I'd say everyone has their not so sure moments, its normal human behavior ... its how people are treated during those moments that mark the path they will take.
*See ("Doubting") Thomas as an example. Note Jesus' response to his doubts.
from jw.org, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
That's what folks get for believing loons claiming an "invisible" Christ enthronement in in 18-something twice and then in 1914.
Ya'll do realize there was cocaine in coca cola back then and using heroine along a few poisonous substances for ailments was normal. They were HIGH!
i was in the produce section of a local market, when i happened to overhear the following comment: "we celebrate christ's birth every day of the year, not just on christmas!
" i turned and knew the nature of the source of the comment immediately, judging by the polyester pantsuit and delusional "deer in headlights" look on her face.
her companion replied, "but i like celebrating christmas and don't see anything wrong with it.
Were there any smurfs nearby?