Posts by Lieu
If you found out TTATT at 80 and spent your entire life at Bethel, what would you do?
by John Aquila inwould you do a ray franz deal and write a book or keep quiet and live out the rest of your life in bethel?.
would you keep reading the watchtower magazine?.
Well, at 80 you have no marketable skills, no 401k, and likely no children. Social Security, maybe. You're pretty much screwed. -
Teddy Hero Worship Continues -- Sept 15 Study Edition Bio on Melita Jaracz
by LostGeneration invery weird article, you can read it here if you can tolerate such nonsense:.
basically teddy was a super, duper spiritual giant who went undercover behind the iron curtain, sorta james bond like.
I wonder why they think anyone would care? We're busy trying to keep ahead of bills in this economy. -
California Supreme Court Case - S226656
by Gayle in bible and tract.
started 5/27/2015.
Also. Where in the Bible does it say the "two witnesses" must be human? Are not Christ & Jehovah credible witnesses? What about the angles, particularly the Watchers?
I'd use them as my witnesses were I in such a situation.
It would be interesting to see the WTBTS try and counter that in Court. The only way to prove they didn't "witness" it is to say they don't exist.
California Supreme Court Case - S226656
by Gayle in bible and tract.
started 5/27/2015.
A JC is NOT a Confessional, in any way shape or form. It is an accusatorial process to protect the WTBTS from lawsuits wherein the "victim" has no anonimity.
Rape & sexual child abuse laws could care less about religious rules. It's not like the scumbag is going to bring other people along to watch.
"Make a list of people you want to meet in the New System!" (New September Watchtower)
by FusionTheism inwatchtower september 2015 study edition, "stand firm in the faith," paragraphs 16 and 17:.
following jesus example, we must read the bible daily, study it, and meditate on what we learn.
along with general bible study, dig into topics about which you may have questions.. you can imitate jesus by meditating on the wonderful promises jehovah has made to you.
The Angel Gabriel sounds like he has some hella good stories.
Maybe Melchezideck; but he's probably still alive and hiding out on skid row.
Return to Jehovah Photo
by naazira inthis picture is in the new publication from this year's convention, titled "return to jehovah".
part 1the lost one i will search for.
personally, the animal looks scared of the shepherd.
Why would they use a shepherd to rep God? Oh I forgot, silly me, they don't know Christ.
Odd how the WTBTS equates itself to God.
Deceiving statements in The Watchtower (Study Edition) September 2015
by opusdei1972 inon page 9, paragraph 7:.
neither a branch office nor the local congregation elders are authorized to make health-care decisions for a witness, even if he asks what to do.
Weird. Rutherford used selling books to put himself through Law School. -
How Much Do Circuit Overseers Make Under the Table, and is it Taxable?
by Tazemanian-devil ini was thinking about green handshakes, and i knew my wife and i personally would try to slide at least $100 each c.o visit to the c.o.
if we were low on cash, we'd never hand him less than $20.
how many of such handshakes does he receive in a weeks time?
2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 GWBrothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we order you not to associate with any believer who doesn't live a disciplined life and doesn't follow the tradition you received from us. [7] You know what you must do to imitate us. We lived a disciplined life among you. [8] We didn't eat anyone's food without paying for it. Instead, we worked hard and struggled night and day in order not to be a burden to any of you. [9] It's not as though we didn't have a right to receive support. Rather, we wanted to set an example for you to follow. [10] While we were with you, we gave you the order: "Whoever doesn't want to work shouldn't be allowed to eat." [11] We hear that some of you are not living disciplined lives. You're not working, so you go around interfering in other people's lives. [12] We order and encourage such people by the Lord Jesus Christ to pay attention to their own work so they can support themselves. [13] Brothers and sisters, we can't allow ourselves to get tired of doing what is right. [14] It may be that some people will not listen to what we say in this letter. Take note of them and don't associate with them so that they will feel ashamed. [15] Yet, don't treat them like enemies, but instruct them like brothers and sisters. -
The real issue is long term solvency.
by joe134cd inok every one raves on at how miserable and tight wt is, while they are literally swimming in money and assets.
although this may be true this isn't the real issue or the problem to begin with.
the problem is having a long term survivable business plan.
A Shepherd isn't the owner of the Flock. He's an employee or servant to the actual owner.. He would only make money if he owned a few sheep himself, etc. Biblically speaking, it's Christ's flock, not mans. -
One month researching my doubts: my crucial issues with WTBTS - what are yours?
by Tornintwo inso after 20 years a convert, about a month ago i decided to start listening to my doubts and to do independent research about the wtbts teachings (naughty me).
as a result i have consolidated my position on various points and these are my major issues with the wtbts teachings, i am posting these to help myself figure things out (with your assistance) and hopefully to hear from others at their stage of drawing away from the gb - newbies' especially.
in the form of notes so hope you dont mind...child abuse.
1. They kicked Jesus completely out and replaced him with some guys I know nothing about. Kinda like the Wizard of Oz deal. They tell the majority that christ is simply not for them. [Christ is simply not important in the JW world; his role is completely disrespected and ignored.] I do believe that is part of the definition of anti-Christ.
2. I hated the application of half a scripture, taken completely out of context, to support JW policy.
3. JW Governing body's claimed 'holy spirit' is fickle and can't make up its mind about what is right or true. Peanut butter could be good this week and bad the next.
4. Calling people by their last names in a familiar setting is condescending. It's not done, in the Bible, unless several people have the same first name (ex. Mary) or in the case of the traitor Judas Iscariot.
5. Jesus never used God's name. It's vain to use it for your religion when Christ himself did not.
6. Who's to say Abraham, God's friend, won't go to heaven? Dumb.