They take, they do not give. They do not do charity because they have no love for their neighbor. The big shots don't even care if the members have nothing to wear, nothing to eat, or roofs over their heads. Certainly there are no funds set aside for those truly in need.
Anyhow, 1-st Century Christians were "Witnesses to Christ". They were brave and relied on their relationship with their Lord and Savior. (Not some book factory) Most actually saw Christ perform some miracle or the other.
You already know "Jehovah Witnesses" are pretty much wannabe ancient Israelites & not Christians in any sense of the word. Christ is too soft hearted, to merciful for them. Plus he was always talking to women.
Besides, if it came down to the GB putting themselves in real personal danger ... not a peep from them. Seriously, they can't even get the light bulbs right about God's word.