Wow! So he uses Abraham as an example but he completely overlooks the part where God tells him to shut up and "listen to your wife"? I do recall Sarah had a complaint.
Sounds more like a worship the man speech. No thanks.
so i was eagerly (add sarcasm) awaiting the co visit this week.
for once because is less work being at the meeting.
i just have to sit down and listen.
Wow! So he uses Abraham as an example but he completely overlooks the part where God tells him to shut up and "listen to your wife"? I do recall Sarah had a complaint.
Sounds more like a worship the man speech. No thanks.
we all hear this notion of "theocratic warfare", and how it is used to justify jehovah's witnesses to lie or withhold the truth even under oath, based on the reasoning that we don't owe the truth to those who aren't entitled to it.
but, can we put our finger on where this doctrine started?
well, brace yourselves, here it is.
Hitler was a dynamic speaker too ....
Anyhoo, there is no theocratic warfare(TM); it's simply telling lies like Satan.
if this has been posted before - sorry.... the comment that they were dubs comes in the 8th paragraph down.
a tragedy , j w's or not ........
In law enforcement, they are referred to as "collisions", not accidents. Driving around all drunk up isn't an accident.
Q.E.P.D ladies.
soooo...i have recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, and am scared out of my mind.
in a weak moment, i called my parents and my mom answered.
i start crying as i tell her about my disease, and this woman says to me:.
You'd think you had denied Christ three times or something ... sheesh!
Don't despair, there are people here whose hearts aren't made of stones when you need some help.
....................on jw broadcasting. (between 14 - 16 mins.).
allyson lee, who is a missionary in nicaragua, misquoted "a very special scripture" - acts 1:8. she said, "that the good news will be preached to the most distant part of the earth.".
what would be the equivalent of a us version of the royal commission?
i'm not just asking about one specific governmental entity, but perhaps even a conglomerate of entities or series of events that would need to take place to cause a domino effect....a tipping point.
who do you think needs to be contacted that can turn around and contact a lot of others?looking for thoughts and ideas.
my brother [the elder] often refers to this line as to 'knowing a tree by it;s fruits'.
so,my question is what are the jw fruits?.
just asking....sincerely.
guess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
Still trying to guess the date of the big A, eh? Not for anyone to know...been delayed for over 2000 years so far. Certainly someone in 93 CE said it was "just around the corner".
Still claiming they know when heaven is "sealed up"? Really? And how many are there now exactly?
Pathetic little men in Brooklyn, just shut the hell up already & leave that ouija board alone!
in the latest jw broadcast splane is quoted as saying:.
"suppose there was a man who died 10 minutes before joseph was born.
would he be part of joseph's generation?
well it was a circuit assembly but basically the same thing.
imitate jehovah in your family using resources wisely was one of the parts.
they basically said don't buy a new cell phone so you can give more to "jehovah".
Nah, I don't fund non-charitable 'kept men' who operate on a one way give-me street. When have they ever given a cent freely to any members in need?
The Omnipotent One has no need for money.