Yeah I got that too Hoser.
Give us your money and you can have this really nice rock. Saludos! 😆
this topic was already discussed in the following thread: .
if you don't want to go through the whole thing; basically it is about a letter that was sent by mexico's branch requiring the body of elders to modify the service meeting for this week (september 21) and the following (september 28) in order to watch (again) stephen lett's solicitation for money (may's broadcasting).. so, why a new thread?
Yeah I got that too Hoser.
Give us your money and you can have this really nice rock. Saludos! 😆
this topic was already discussed in the following thread: .
if you don't want to go through the whole thing; basically it is about a letter that was sent by mexico's branch requiring the body of elders to modify the service meeting for this week (september 21) and the following (september 28) in order to watch (again) stephen lett's solicitation for money (may's broadcasting).. so, why a new thread?
Goodness! The poorest region in the Hemisphere where most people live on 2 dollars or less a day. In the middle of Cartel hell, gang hell, and seriously corrupt officials & police, people emigrating by the thousands a week to find work or escape roaming death squads ... and they should worry now about getting their few pesos and quetzales to Americans living in one of the most expensive US Cities to make pamphlets that will end up littering the streets or in a trash can? Great choose between food and pamphlets.
Que puta madre!
Since when is it biblical for the rich to solicit money from the poor and destitute?
when i left in march officially i started reading the forums here.
i had this excitement that more people would be leaving soon because of the crazy broadcasts, the crazy "new light" that the gb was dishing out, and more recently the australian royal commission lighting up geoffrey.
this past saturday i had an elder stop by to chat for the first time since i left.
Sweetheart, for most it is all they have. They've cut everyone else out of their lives at the bequest of control freaks. They have nothing and no one else.
It's like a woman married to an overly jealous husband. He has her dump all her friends and even family. If and when he becomes abusive, she has nowhere to go and no one to help her. She is isolated.
so i was eagerly (add sarcasm) awaiting the co visit this week.
for once because is less work being at the meeting.
i just have to sit down and listen.
i went for the kh today for personal reasons.
it was pretty dumb, but not horrible.
anyway the speaker used a terrible, but accurate illustration in his gb approved outline.
i went for the kh today for personal reasons.
it was pretty dumb, but not horrible.
anyway the speaker used a terrible, but accurate illustration in his gb approved outline.
I came to the realization years ago that the illustrations are used by those who have no clue about the subject of which they are using. Some guy who probably has never been near a horse speaking about training one.
Of course he sounds like a numnut
i do believe islam conflicts with constitution.
your thoughts.
The Constitution doesn't care what religion a President is, it only cares that the Country is not under the control of any religion (or Church). The founders were ensuring that the US wouldn't be similar to Europe (at the time) where the Church controlled the State(s) and it's rulers, persecuted people, etc.
It had a lot to do with England it's kings getting and the then corrupt Popes & their constant meddling for their own greedy purposes. Also the Papacy could be bought in those days and Popes could give New World áreas as possessions to various princes and kings.
Once self determinant, the colonists ensured that no monarchy or Church could overrule or overtly influence elected leaders.
so i was eagerly (add sarcasm) awaiting the co visit this week.
for once because is less work being at the meeting.
i just have to sit down and listen.
Wow! So he uses Abraham as an example but he completely overlooks the part where God tells him to shut up and "listen to your wife"? I do recall Sarah had a complaint.
Sounds more like a worship the man speech. No thanks.
we all hear this notion of "theocratic warfare", and how it is used to justify jehovah's witnesses to lie or withhold the truth even under oath, based on the reasoning that we don't owe the truth to those who aren't entitled to it.
but, can we put our finger on where this doctrine started?
well, brace yourselves, here it is.
Hitler was a dynamic speaker too ....
Anyhoo, there is no theocratic warfare(TM); it's simply telling lies like Satan.
if this has been posted before - sorry.... the comment that they were dubs comes in the 8th paragraph down.
a tragedy , j w's or not ........
In law enforcement, they are referred to as "collisions", not accidents. Driving around all drunk up isn't an accident.
Q.E.P.D ladies.