Posts by Lieu
Bethelites being sent to Wallkill and Paterson
by Angelclare inthis is my first post but i've been lurking for some time.
ive just spoken to a friend of mine from my jw days who isnt aware that i no longer associate.
hes the coordinator of the body of elders in his congregation so i suppose he does know something of whats going on at the wt.
It's not the best economy for unnecessary burdens. Either move to the countryside locations or go provide for one's own upkeep. -
Anointed Directing the Anointed?
by compound complex in[.
] resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.
revelation: its grand climax at hand!, pages, 124, 125, paragraph 17..
Yep, my bad LQ. Three.
We gotta try to remember, the entire JW sect was based on the foundation that Russell, Rutherford, etc could for tell the "rapture". They couldn't then and they can't now ... but they keep trying. Today it's simply 'SOON'!!! Like any other Adventist sect, it tries to apply a literal interpretation of themselves to every darn thing in the Bible. Sometimes The 24 is not a group one can join or attest to oneself; it would then become The 25 ...
It's one of the things that used to get on my nerves. This "class", that "class" bla bla bla. Instead of uniting as a brotherhood, they're always separating like a clergy/laity, upper class/lower class, lord/servant type deal.
Anointed Directing the Anointed?
by compound complex in[.
] resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.
revelation: its grand climax at hand!, pages, 124, 125, paragraph 17..
It kinda all gets thrown to heck if you think about the 12 seeing Jesus conversing with Moses and Elijah .... -
Anointed Directing the Anointed?
by compound complex in[.
] resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.
revelation: its grand climax at hand!, pages, 124, 125, paragraph 17..
Why do they think sheep and goats need judgement? Also, I don't like how they look down on goats as if they were bad creatures. 😆
This is what happens when you don't have a basic understanding of Bible 101. You end up misconstruing everything Jesus said. For Jesus was both a sheep and a goat.
One separates the sheep from the goats because:
1. Sheep are used for Passover, they represent keeping death away.
2. Goats are used for the Day of Atonement(Yom Kippur), they represent forgiveness of and the taking away of sin.
The two holiest days, one uses a sheep, the other goats. They represent Gods grace from sin and death. Anyhow, Jesus was using a simple analogy about separation in terms that first century Hebrew people would easily understand.
There is NO class of good sheep and bad goats.
IF they were annointed as they claim, they'd know this basic Bible stuff.
Churches helping neighbors instead of JW"s
by life is to short inlast week where i live we had the worst wind storm in the history of our area.
we had gust of 71 miles an hour from 3 in the afternoon till 8 at night.
it was like a hurricane at times the wind did sound like a freight train.
Meh, nothing new under the sun. JWs don't know the Greek word agape literally translates as charity; which was considered a form of love. And yeah, they erroneously think works means handing out literature because as posted above they skew the scriptures to fit their org agenda. Shame. -
WT Branch in Poland: Buy building of three floors located in the heart of Wlochy in Warsaw, for US $500,000 .
by hildebrando indepartment of translation's video presentation, which prepare material in polish.
subtitles in english and spanish:.
Does Poland have an extradition treaty with the US? 😆
Also 500k is nothing for a US Corporation to spend on an office building. A regular house (single family home) here south of NY on the East Coast starts at 300k. It's a cheap cheap buy for an actual office building, IMHO.
One reason behind the slow steady decline of JWs
by AllTimeJeff inhello first of all to those that remember me.
i'm doing well, 10 years since my missionary trip to cameroon.
i've met a couple of goals.
As long as they don't have recurrences of the F.Franz lunacy or Rutherford tyranny.
Btw, welcome back!
One reason behind the slow steady decline of JWs
by AllTimeJeff inhello first of all to those that remember me.
i'm doing well, 10 years since my missionary trip to cameroon.
i've met a couple of goals.
But how could they put one guy in charge again after the Rutherford tyranny? Or the loon Fred Franz insanity? They both completely lost their minds on power trips.
Their whole problem is that they are running a business
November 22 Study Article: God is a hypocrite & is NOT impartial!
by Divergent inanother vomit-inducing study article.
would just like to highlight a few paragraphs from it (blondie would probably do a more in-depth analysis as usual):.
9 first of all, jehovah reveals the truth about himself.
Talk about your dysfunctional family. Parents a stealin', kids a killin' ... brothers boinking sisters ... a hot mess of all out turpitude.
There should have been an owl or something nearby to give Eve a warning. Maybe she'd only been alive a few days and with all the trees, you'd think a talking bird would say something.
November 22 Study Article: God is a hypocrite & is NOT impartial!
by Divergent inanother vomit-inducing study article.
would just like to highlight a few paragraphs from it (blondie would probably do a more in-depth analysis as usual):.
9 first of all, jehovah reveals the truth about himself.
Divergent, yeah pretty much my point.
The whole Cain and Abel episode tells me one thing: God doesn't like vegans because vegans are violent.