Oooooooooh!, the one lady is wearing a pretty blue PANTS suit from this era!!!..........ooooooooooooooooh!
Posts by Lieu
I went to the Convention on Friday. NOW with pict
by Lady Lee ini was bored to death.
i deposited cards around the place that said .
What "SIN" do elders respond to fastest?
by Dismembered in.
maybe it's just me but, it seem like "elders" respond extremely quickly to "sexual misconduct" as long as it does not involve their own family members.
true or false?
telling their wives off produces the fastest JC I've ever seen!
Question for all
by haujobbz ini dont know if you been asked this before but what made you give up your religious beliefs,i assume that not all on here were jehovahs witnesses so if you were not please say.well i will telll you why i left, i got baptised as a jw 2 yrs ago and then started to notice say 6 months after baptism that the followers didnt really heed the what they were being taught it didnt seem to motivate them in their hearts, to say display genuine love it was more like a routine to them to be at meetings,talk to same ones,read watchtowers,it seemed so mechanical like robots,im not saying this is what caused me leave because i was serving genuinely i was really interested in practising what i preached,but i found it hard because everyone wasnt trying to do the then gradually i started to question things and then i got the internet last year and was itching to look on these so called apostate sites,you see i wanted to prove these sites wrong but in the end i was proved wrong with things like prophecies,jws past history,etc.
so thats my story
The half a scripture quoting out of context thing has driven me not to frequent.
by minimus inevery book that is published, every magazine written ,highlights the hebrew scriptures as opposed to the you think it's because most christians stress christ's words and jw's need to be different?
Also, I think the mediator stuff gets in the way too.
See, the OT has emphasis on human mediators .... whereas the NT, has emphasis on well, an invisible one.
Since the GB does not see fit to allow Christ to be the mediator for all JWs....emphasis on the NT would cause too many problems for JWs.
People would start to think Christ was supposed to be thier mediator, that they were supposed to have their training continued by the Holy Spirit, that the Elders are primarily there for upbuilding and are organizers of special activities (such as distributing food baskets and making sure the poor in the cong have what they need), that they aren't supposed to be cursing other people, and that love is the enduring quality....could you imagine the rukus that would cause?
Its better to hold emphasis on the psycho behavior of the Israelites....besides the OT Mosaic Law emphasized how people could NEVER do enough to be forgiven of sins....this fits in well with JW dogma.
Edited by - Lieu on 22 July 2002 1:25:16
by minimus inevery book that is published, every magazine written ,highlights the hebrew scriptures as opposed to the you think it's because most christians stress christ's words and jw's need to be different?
Because Christ is the focus of the NT....that doesn't jive with JW's.
JWs are into rules and consistently compare themselves to the Israelites.
All other Christian denominations reject being compared to whining, idol worshipping unappreciative, apostate rejecters of Christ, who at last were rejected by God. Go figure?!!
Edited by - Lieu on 22 July 2002 1:7:19
Ray Franz has anyone read Crisi of Conscience?
by 67mustang ini am interested in ray franz.
can anybody comment on him?
i've heard rumors, but partial ones from jw's.
Farkel, why bother responding to Bleep?
Bleep is 29 yrs old and has found that "it" (he/she) has less knowledge and understanding about the Bible than the atheists on this site. "It" is upset.
"It" does not remind me of Abraham who basically tried to barter with Jah for the lives of the Sodomites. This man had probably the biggest heart (only topped by Christ) of any Bible personage....that was why he is the only one referred to as God's friend. "It" does not emulate Abraham and does not even come close to Christ.
"It" (like most JWs) reminds me of Jonah....all upset cause Jah changed his mind and didn't raise Nineveh to the ground as Jonah wanted. Throwing a 'hissy fit". "It" reminds me of the all day workers who on being paid the same as those who came later...started whining and complaining. "It" definitely reminds me of the Pharasies, always scheming to curse others...while declaring "it" itself to be righteous. "It" does not pay heed to 'love your neighbor as yourself" and as a professed Christian, "It" has chosen to ignore one of the two greatests commandments. Therefor, "It" is not worthy of being replied to as the love of God is not in "it".
"It" runs around emulating the 'accuser' and we all know who that is.....could "It"'s master beeeee....Satan?
WHAT DID YOU HATE about being an elder, m.s.,pione
by minimus in.
i hated all the elders who thought they had to tell someone what had to be done and they themselves weren't doing it.
what about you?
Meeting for service everyday with the psychotic pioneer elders wives!!!!
Western Culture and JW-ism
by OrbitingTheSun in.
do you think western culture exacerbates the flaws within the jehovahs witness religion?
edited by - orbitingthesun on 21 july 2002 19:57:26.
I think the JW's are a western culture religion. It has come about with the US the way the Catholic Church came about with Rome.
I find it interesting that Rutherford hated the Catholics so much he made himself the JW Pope....that man had a lot of hate and animosity in him. Of course, he was a lawyer, so his behavior should have been expected....worst 'critters' on earth are lawyers.
Pride and Prejudice
I believe the entire movement is stuck in the 40's. (Ever notice that paradise clothing is mostly 1940's JC Penny wear?) Being stuck in the 40's kinda makes JW "issues" easy to matter what culture or country one lives in.
Edited by - Lieu on 21 July 2002 20:17:43
Ray Franz has anyone read Crisi of Conscience?
by 67mustang ini am interested in ray franz.
can anybody comment on him?
i've heard rumors, but partial ones from jw's.
I read both the books last year ...and just recieved CofC 4th Ed. 'cause I wanted to see what was new.
After reading the books, everything going on finally came together for me.
POLL: New to This Board? Please Sign In Here!!
by Seeker4 ini don't get to check this board as often as i'd like, but i have noticed that there seems to be a huge number of new posters here.
every day that i get to check out a few posts, i notice new names.. so, just a polite request.
if you've just started posting here in the last few months, would you mind posting a quick note on this thread?
Hello...I've posted several times already....just checking in.
Let's see....I've been baptized for over 15 yrs and at one time was a Reg Pioneer. I'm sure I was considered 'rebellious' since I went to College while pioneering. Majored in Computer Graphics/Publication Design since I had aspirations of going to Bethel. (plus I was really into computers) I was given a Bethel application from McMillain during a DC but the local elders said they didn't think I was needed there.
No elders come to bother me so I'm pretty much left alone. (unlike some unfortunate souls on this site) Not disfellowshipped nor disassociated, yet....I just stopped going regular in '92 'cause I was sick and tired of the silliness. Also, the half a Bible verse here and there out of context thing used to drive me up the wall. Another sour point with me is that I couldn't stand the way Jesus was put on the back burner as if Paul was much more important than our redeemer. Christ is hardly ever mentioned and when he is its just as if en-passe. I began to feel like I should be a follower of Paul and the GB, not Christ. (Paul was a excellent man and a fine example but he didn't die to release me from anything...'ya know)
It was during a WT study that I decided not to return; can't recall what the study was about but I remember there was something in it that jumped off the page and totally contradicted a prior lesson. I do recall that whatever it was I couldn't stop staring at it. I don't know where (which cong.) my publisher card is located....and honestly don't care. When I was younger, I used to constantly pray for the friends to show real love for one another because I couldn't see where they had any.....the one true mark of Christianity was seriously lacking throughout the org. as a whole.
My mother is a hard core JW and brother is an unbapt. publ. ..... My father is not.
Oh, and my Username is my rank in the local PD....always trying to help save people. :) (I must be a glutton for punishment)
edited for spelling errors.
Edited by - Lieu on 20 July 2002 18:31:40