Seriously? ... They actually wish they were ancient Israelites and cannot see past 1BCE. Its fine with me because I think they are exactly like ancient Israelies....a stubborn and stiff necked people.
GB members are "spiritual terrorists".
why is it that the wts likens their "governing body" with the royal priesthood of israel when it attempts to reason that it has god's holy spirit and backing, while at the same time, when this same jewish priesthood in discussed in a negative context it is never likened to the governing body.
every time that the same jewish priesthood's is said to be the object of god's wrath, the wts says that it actually represents christendom and the judgements it will receive.
it appears that the wts is only likening themselves to the royal priesthood of isarael when it is convenient for them.
Seriously? ... They actually wish they were ancient Israelites and cannot see past 1BCE. Its fine with me because I think they are exactly like ancient Israelies....a stubborn and stiff necked people.
GB members are "spiritual terrorists".
do they not meet the definition?
it is a crime in itself.
what is the punishment?.
I would say, yes indeed. You have to remember that NYC is an extremely political place. Now think about the WBTS being able in NYC to "aquire" the amount of landholdings it has.....and in Brooklyn to boot.
This requires the say so of high level politicians, housing inspectors, zone inspectors, city solicitor personnel, the DA, and I won't mention the Union bosses who keep their personnel from complaining about the loss of a building contract...etc. Then add in the Gov. of NY state and the Gov. of Pennsylvania and their cronies.
Shall I continue? ... What does this say to you about the WBTS? What would a few detectives be up against?
Edited to include items.
Edited by - Lieu on 30 July 2002 13:53:10
christian organisations around the world have a long-standing interest in rendering physical and material aid to those in their communities who find themselves in need.
in recent times, the wts have reacted to criticism that they have not lived up to the apostle james' admonition to "look after orphans and widows in their tribulation" (james 1:27) so on their media website, they make a statement entitled "contribution to the community".
so, how do those claiming to be the true christians render such aid.
I'll guess Oz,
Nowhere does it say that they are "looking after widows and orphans"....nor does it state that any of the abovementioned activities are part of some well regulated and specific "program". It also does not say that there is any monetary or food assistance for those in need.
why do the governing body remain unknown to witnesses in general?.
i used to think that the fact that the gb promote themselves (personnaly by name) in the magazines and don't name writers of watchtower articles, was a sign that the governing body was humble and meek.. but why did they take this policy?russel and rutherford were certainly not unkown.when did the transition happen?.
my theory is that this annomimity is use to make the magazines look like they are not aurthored by men.if an article appeared with the writers name , witnesses may choose to reject what is writen as they can see it was writen by a man.but not nameing the writers makes it hard for witnesses to identify the writers as just human like them, and gives the impression the magazines and books have a divine source.. any other ideas?
Like jjrizo...
It may be they do not wish for members to know that they DO NOT write the WT&AW articles. This could cause a problem as members would conclude the "FDS" is not the one feeding them.
According to the writing desk any ole bro and sis can write / submit an article. (see Branch procedure manual)
From the recent corp changes, one could tell the "FDS" hasn't written anything. Why? Because they said they were leaving the corp spots so that they could tend to spiritual matters (or something to that sort)...from the latest articles, it appears that the "FDS" has once again assumed some sort of role in the the mags really don't make any sense and appear to be returning to the very old dogma!
Edited by - Lieu on 28 July 2002 17:55:46
does the bible contain accounts of persons who, while not active members of "organized" religion have god's appoval?
if it does, this would contradict watchtower teaching, since they often claim that anyone who's not a baptized member of their organization will suffer destruction.
further they claim that only active members of their "organization" have god's approval.
Plenty of examples, some already mentioned like Ruth and then there is Rahab (neither were Israelites but both are in the ancestral line to Christ)
The Best example is Job...a non-Isrealite.
Another example is the man whom the Apostles tried to stop from expelling demons using Christ's name, simply because he was not accompanying them. Jesus told them to basically leave that man alone..."for he that is not against us is for us."
At the start the disciples were like elistist thinking "you must be with us" group. Jesus had to 'correct' them so often for their lack of humility that they even began to irritate me reading abut it.
From reading the Bible, I saw that the early disciples did not start on their journey to behaving Christ-like until AFTER recieving the Holy Spirit.
*Really IMHO it isn't even important what Christ died affixed to...the fact that he died (was killed) the death of a criminal, for our sakes, is what's important.
as any of us who have been to a funeral for a faithful jw know, the deceased "made a good name" with jehovah for all their faithfulness, etc.
and they are assured of getting a resurrection here on earth (unless they were baptized before 1935) where they'll live forever in paradise.. i recently asked a witness friend about this, as an old brother who had been a witness since wwii recently passed away.
i asked "doesn't john 5:28 promise a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous?".
Basically, Dawn,....anybody who sins against the "holy spirit" doesn't have a chance for forgiveness.
I think Jesus told a couple of folks they could forget it (see above). But these were extremely few in number and were usually those who held positions which they used to purposely lead others to ruination.
If God directly kills you, IMHO, I don't think you have a "snowballs chance" of coming back. From what I have read, only a few have been direcly taken out by God....usually for having the gall to "sh*t on" him, if I may use that expression in polite comapny.
a friend sent this post to me and i thought it was was interesting.. silentlambs.
dear barbara and bill:.
concerning the watchtower's actions against you folks and the commendable letter from barb's husband, joe: excellent points about paul airing a congregation's faults btw.. .
Typical JW JC:
Elder1: So brother Christ, you have an issue you wish to state against bro. Nocandowrong? You say he treated you insolently on July 4th? We asked bro Nocandowrong and he has denied this allegation. Do you have any witnesses to this incident?...
Jesus: You know, IN YOUR OWN POLICY, it is written, 'the witness of two men is true'.
Elder2: ...anything besides this would be considered slander, yes we agree to that
Jesus: I am one that bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me.
Elder3: Your father, is he out in the hallway? (opens the library door and looks) Where is your Father?
Elder1: Is there anyone else who would have witnessed this besides your father?
Elder2: His father, I don't believe I know him....
Elder3: {whispers}....there's nobody out in the hallway, guys.
Jesus: YOU know neither me nor my Father. If you did know me YOU would know my Father also.
Elder1: {irritated by bro Christ's tone} Brother Christ, please wait outside while we discuss this further....
Well, you know the rest of the story....
a friend sent this post to me and i thought it was was interesting.. silentlambs.
dear barbara and bill:.
concerning the watchtower's actions against you folks and the commendable letter from barb's husband, joe: excellent points about paul airing a congregation's faults btw.. .
What it all boils down the meaning of 'witness' . Is an accuser a witness? or is a witness something else?....
"Now in case a soul sins in that he has heard public cursing and he is a witness or he has seen it or HAS COME TO KNOW OF IT, if he does not report it, then he must answer for his error." Ex. 5:1 (NWT)
In Duet...if anyone from WBTS had bothered to continue goes on to talk about a one witness (they counted the accuser as a witness) accusation which then the older men of the city (actually it says hebrew priests) would have to thoroughly look into the matter as to who has truly been wronged. It says nowhere to IGNORE an issue because only one person said somebody did something to them.
If a woman was dragged out into a field and raped. The Bible says that no one would have heard her screams....there was NO ONE around to come to her resue. She had NO WITNESSES. When they found the rapist....they PUT HIM TO DEATH....and she had no witnesses; but at least they had the damn sense to investigate what happened and take action.
Edited for longwindedness.
Edited by - Lieu on 24 July 2002 12:15:46
something big.
share market is so down, worse than at 9/11 was!.^dji&d=c&t=1y.
Okay? So your are saying, Mr Bean, "Shrub" is master-planning this entire escapade of financial ruin so that he can attack Iraq? Meanwhile he is yapping all over national news about having morality in big business?
I figured it was all over when the noted family secured their oil fields (the alleged "evil one" had taken over) in Kuwait......He must be getting tired of paying blackmail money to those desert nations which know what that war was really all about.
Considering how people in power hypocritically behave, scheme, and their behind the scenes may well be correct.
do you think that, if say you fell over and and seriously injured yourself in the street, would a jw you knew passing by help you knowing that you were disfellowshipped or so called apostate.
maybe even come to see you at home if you were unwell or depressed,i mean how many witnesses have assisted or helped you when you needed it mostly,you see i thought they were supposed to encourage you to become so called spiritually stronger.but saying that when you were active as a jw do you think you were helped in times of distress or illness by your fellow jw,for instance i know a woman who's still a witness but hasnt been to meetings for say a year and thats because she has severe athritis and guess what only 1 j-dub has wrote to her so to her it seems like if your not a regular at meeting you may as well be classed as disfellowshipped.
....ah, maybe that's why only being in a "spiritual paradise" is emphasized....the physical, mental, and emotional are not even a concern...think I'm starting to get it now.
How does one define "spiritual" without the others?
Did I do something to get ignored?....
Edited by - Lieu on 23 July 2002 20:35:13