Pretty much what Tec said.
Posts by Lieu
What is your concept of God?
by transhuman68 ingiven that the god of the old testament & the new testament don't seem to match up, and our first impression of god may be based on our parents, and the many progressive christian religions that stress god's love and grace, we probably all have completely different ideas of who god is; if he/she does exist.
i always thought god was a strict, bad-tempered kill-joy..
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-09-10 WT Study (BAPTIZED IN THE NAME OF?)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 05-09-10 wt study (march 15, 2010, pages 10-14)(baptized in whose name).
review comments will be in red or headed by comments.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Its kinda odd they even bother to mention Jesus. Its not like he's supposed to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords ...and all knees bending to him or something.
.... yet by para 8 or so ... he gets the 'ole WT boot into the back of the bus. Typical.
"Don't Ever Come To My House Again"...says the householder!
by mentallyfree31 insince i have woken up from the horrible wt nightmare 5 months ago, i have had a chance to reflect on things that have happened over 25 years.
one of the things i keep thinking about is householders in the field that would become furious upon seeing me and say rudely "get out of here and don't ever come back to my house again!".
it always struck me as such an awful thing to say.
.... it may simply be some people get extremely upset about being bothered (9am) on their days off or while working.
New here...
by hereiam! insorry if this starts off as a kind of a downer.. i am 29, and my husband and i have stopped going to meetings since last october.
we live in mexico and used to attend the english.
long story short, after realizing how many much we've been lied to we stopped going to our meetings, moved out of the territory, switched to spanish, and after a month of attending just vanished.
¡Bienvenidos a JWN! y mucho gusto hereiam.
Sadness - Normal (I would speak to hubby about that because if you don't, its not fair to him. After all he left with you, no?)
Depression - Normal (speak to the doc about that)
Apprehension - Normal
Family - Beat around the bush until you feel ready to tell them.
Make friends when appropriate, eat as healthy as possible, and be sure to get out of the house for some fresh air.
Leaving Jehovah's Witnesses is a Negative, Depressing Thing To Do, but....
by AllTimeJeff inover the years since i left jehovahs witnesses, one of the more fascinating things to observe, and really to me, the most important, is what to do after you leave.. to be sure, no one leaves because of a positive experience.
and therein lies the issues with leaving.
basically, people leave in three general ways: 1. they, like myself, resign or leave due to a disagreement.
..... no it isn't
When the meetings seem endless....
by XPeterX inwhat do you do/used to do?i go to the bathroom for more than 10 mins,then read something irrelevant or think of something irrelevant or go out for a while and so the meeting comes to an end..
Read whole chapters (which is how I knew scriptures were being taken out of context for a talk) or do a crossword puzzle. (Take individual puzzle pages out odf one of those big Dell books)
Shame that things can get so boring.
"Truth in Translation" by Jason DeBuhn FREE Download
by My Struggle insome my be familiar with the website "revelation online" it is a site that put books online for free, usually in pdf format.
i don't know how they do it, but they have been around for years.
well, i was looking at books today and noticed the truth in translation book.. if you are not familiar with this book you have not been a jw in the past year or two(or living under a rock).
Thanks. I read the book of Tobit (not included in the Protestant Bibles) not long ago and at least now have an understanding of where the Pharasees got that woman with seven husbands ressurrection question from to ask Jesus.
I like reading stuff.
Why Men Are Never Depressed
by Bangalore inwhy men are never depressed.. men are just happier people-- what do you expect from such simple creatures.. your last name stays put.
the garage is all yours.
wedding plans take care of themselves.
If men are never depressed than why did my friend hang himself?
Can the internet apostates bring down the WTBS?
by Lozhasleft ini saw a thread on another forum suggesting this...based on all the info so readily available to so many nowadays...its certainly true that the society is warning all the witnesses about it.... what do you think?
is it possible that it could seriously affect their status?
loz x.
No, and why would you care to try? Stop trying to return injury for injury. Leave them behind and move on with your life. Everyone gets whats coming to them sooner or later.
Most you can do is hope they change the faux doctrine to come into the 21st century & stop lying to everyone.
Don't be like them and try to force something on members. People will leave on their own as their eyes are opened.
Is he going to give you a cow for your farm?