Posts by Lieu
Is it common for old men to marry young JW?
by adjusted knowledge ini left in the 90's and marriage partners were similar in age at my former congregation.
i ran into a former jw friend from my childhood.
i haven't seen him in 15 years.
Sure. At one time young fit men were all off to Bethel while young ladies were left with slim to no suitable mates in their age ranges. It changed a bit when so many young ladies went off marrying "worldly" guys. I mean really, unless by serious love choice, what 20 something wants grandpa for a husband? -
I'm an ABSENTHEIST. Are you also?
by EdenOne init just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
I understand completely what EdenOne is saying. Odd how so many others do not.
The problems with understanding is that modern people attest the ancient to today. But not just to today, to "Western" thought. Um, no. That's the mistake JWs make.
Ancients worshiped the planets Jupiter & Venus. A lack of extreme air pollution allowed for easy viewing of the planets. (No telescope required) In pre-Colonial America, some Tribes worshiped a Great Spirit, others the Earth itself. In Asia it could be believed that cows were hosts to 300 or more souls/gods, or man himself was God. So...
Reports of lower memorial attendance
by thedepressedsoul ini have heard a lot of reports from kingdom halls in the area that there was less than last year, for both time slots.. we had the first time slot and we were down 50+/- compared to last year.
last year we had the lobby full of people standing and this year we had empty seats and no one standing.
we ran out of parking last year and this year we made it.. like i said i am hearing quite a few reports of this from halls in our area.however, somehow the number seem to inch up every year.
Odd memorial. I don't know about the numbers but I think Jesus was mentioned all of a whopping 3 times. A passing thought.
Last line (said nonchalantly): "As long as there is someone alive to partake, we'll keep having this memorial service. That's it".
As for attendance, why go? If nothing going on applies to you then you weren't commanded to participate, observe, or celebrate in any way. It's not for you (other sheep masses).
Something a CO once said.
by cappytan in"there are only three reasons you should miss a meeting.
fever, fracture or funeral.
everything else is a sorry excuse.
"Kept men" tend to be naive to reality.
ex. Paul, the single childless traveler, whined a lot about his hardships, whereas Peter, the family guy, not so much.
And so it begins...
by StarTrekAngel inwife and i have not reported a single hour of fs in 3-4 months.
while my wife is mostly doing for me (positive thing), i know she would have rather done it.
elder asked me to turn in my fs report this past week and then he added... "we need to talk".
You could also go the medical route. Some medication is making you constantly ill in some way that your doc is looking into. Wifey has had to keep attending to you daily. -
Jw are moving from Door to Door realizing it is ineffective
by thedepressedsoul injw have announced that they will no longer be doing door to door as they have realized that the door to door salesman is on a decline.. now they will be putting all of their effort into cold calling via a telephone as they feel this will be more effective means to reach people.
jw call centers will be set up at local kingdom halls so that all jw will now reach out to people via a hard copy of the yellow pages and white pages.
they have seen the success of telemarketers and can't wait to try out this new and revolutionary way to reach people via a telephone.
What!?? No leaflets, er brochures dropped by drones? -
85 cart days numbered?
by jookbeard inreading a report of an elder in a friends cong has been hiding and spying on the pioneers who seem to have a practise of dumping the cart and finding a local coffee shop, i've noticed that they do this in my local high street as well but this week they seemed to be all huddled around the cart, they've clearly been warned, a vast percentage of the time i see they seem to be more interested in fiddling with their mobile phones and gossiping, is just seems these carts are a means for the pioneers to turn in "easy time" i wonder what sort of figures show how much literature is being taken by the public?
i bet its very minimal.
naturally the gb would say they are a phenomenal success , we clearly know they are not.
They should keep them and allow only the elderly & infirm to man them. -
Are Jehovah's Witnesses ever "good enough", must they remain anxious and fragile for fear they will not be saved by their works?
by Trailer Park Pioneer inas a jehovah's witness you know you can never do enough without hearing stories of another witness doing twice what your doing and living off half the money your living on because they give all their time and money to the watchtower.
this is totally bunk, reading romans 7:21-24 paul knew his condition was hopeless without the free gift from god.
paul put all his emphasis on jesus christ, not some self-appointed apostles whose proof offered up is over 150 years of failed prophecy!
@Vidiot ... That's because no one gets any grace in JWism except the 144k, 'member? -
Are Jehovah's Witnesses ever "good enough", must they remain anxious and fragile for fear they will not be saved by their works?
by Trailer Park Pioneer inas a jehovah's witness you know you can never do enough without hearing stories of another witness doing twice what your doing and living off half the money your living on because they give all their time and money to the watchtower.
this is totally bunk, reading romans 7:21-24 paul knew his condition was hopeless without the free gift from god.
paul put all his emphasis on jesus christ, not some self-appointed apostles whose proof offered up is over 150 years of failed prophecy!
No. Only through the almighty time slips shall they have a chance to survive Armegeddon. For the time slip = level of spirituality and love.
How absolutely sad such dealings in frivolity.
What is the basis for authority for the governing body?
by Half banana ina word to jehovahs witnesses: what is the basis for the authority the seven members of the governing body can claim in controlling the lives of eight million followers?
the organisation they represent has never got one useful piece of information correct in one hundred and thirty five years... so why should they be believed?.
Pretty much because they said so. I don't pay any attention to them personally. It's kinda creepy the way they are worshipped by JWs and how they place themselves in Christ's role as mediator.( Likely why Jesus is rarely mentioned by JWs and completely "skipped over".)