Posts by Lieu
Which bible character do you hate the most?
by Bonsai inthe more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
David, I give a pass. Guy was a sheep herder who was made king. It not like he was raised to be one. Plus, every time Solomon is mentioned, where David is concerned, it is always "by the wife of Uriah". Uriah is never forgotten. Knife twist to David. -
Which bible character do you hate the most?
by Bonsai inthe more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
Hate, no.
Dislike: Jonah. He reminds me of the GB. Their heads would explode if people appealed wholeheartedly directly to Christ and God didn't destroy them.
Next, on my dislike chart is Noah. Gets all drunk, romps about naked, and has the gall to curse his grandson.
Lastly, Paul. Whining about being in chains. Er yeah, you're a murderer. No different than guys in prison today for murder who "find Jesus" and then preach to others. Stop whining.
We talk a lot about conditional friends on here
by cappytan inso, when people post about being shunned by their friends, i've heard several posters say things like, "their friendship is conditional.
real friendships aren't conditional.".
i'm sorry, but that just isn't really true.. if you and i were friends, there are conditions.
I'll chime in with: As a JW, you are not friends with the actual person, you are friends with the outward appearance the person emits. Half the time, you don't know who the person truly is. Too many have to put on a false persona to be "acceptable" among the group. -
"Only Baptized Ones have Unrestricted Privilege of Prayer"
by BluesBrother ini was sitting at the recent circuit assembly that i attended, (the things i do for sis blues) and the baptism talk was under way .
i admit that my mind was more on my imminent packed lunch and flask of coffee but i distinctly heard the speaker make the statement that heads this thread and cite a wt reference.. you what !
i was shocked....... how can they possibly make such an arrogant statement ?
Undeserved kindness and Grace are the same thing. JWs simply don't understand it because they don't understand the concept of freedom from sin or forgiveness.
It means, you can never Earn it, you can never do anything to Deserve it, and it matters not how much you do. It is freely given because God WANTS to and loves you. Truly accepting Christ means your sins are being overlooked (as long as you don't sin against the Spirit or just keep doing the same rotten thing over & over).
The massive gaping hole in Watchtower's understanding of Matthew 25:31-40
by Island Man in(matthew 25:31-40) .
.when the son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne.
32 all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
They could be believers IMO. How many times did the original 12 have to ask simple questions? In the King James Study Bible this Hebrews verse references back to Matthew verses.
Hebrews 13:2 KJVS
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Believers don't always know who they are being kind towards. Abraham, Lot, etc
Seems odd that the Bible never mentions Pryamids?
by dropoffyourkeylee indoesn't it seem strange that the bible never mentions the pyramids?
how could someone go to egypt at that time and not even so much as mention the huge monuments?
It would be irrelevant to anyone who had been there or whose land was next to Egypt. No one was there sightseeing. Besides, the pyramids were monuments and crypts, not objects of worship. It doesn't get into the Hanging Gardens of Babylon either.
It's kinda like the Panamá Canal. People in Panamá don't marvel at something man made they see all the time or that elder relatives died building. It's just a boat highway, ie. It's just there.
Reading the Bible in 6 months isn't "anything to brag about" - Anthony Morris
by mac n cheese inthe 2015 annual meeting, specifically, part 1, right about minute 27, has anthony morris emphasizing that "you're better off reading one chapter (of the bible) and really absorbing it" than just reading the whole thing "as a challenge".
while i agree with the the whole idea of meditating on anything you read, it was doing this very thing that brought up so many unanswered questions.
i also came to the constant realization that the jws did not have a clue about what the bible really said.
JWs don't like the word "challenge". It has too much of a likeness to the word "competition" in their minds. Ya know how they feel about that.
If you were to stick the word "goal" in his bla bla bla, then reading the entire Bible would become acceptable; whether you absorbed it chapter by chapter or book by book.
It's all about choosing the acceptable word in that world.
Reading the Bible in 6 months isn't "anything to brag about" - Anthony Morris
by mac n cheese inthe 2015 annual meeting, specifically, part 1, right about minute 27, has anthony morris emphasizing that "you're better off reading one chapter (of the bible) and really absorbing it" than just reading the whole thing "as a challenge".
while i agree with the the whole idea of meditating on anything you read, it was doing this very thing that brought up so many unanswered questions.
i also came to the constant realization that the jws did not have a clue about what the bible really said.
Er, sure ... a bit at a time. I must meditate further on why two of the three people who made it out of the Sodom/Five City onslaught thought it was a fine idea to get dad drunk and boink him.
How did Ruth get into Boaz' bedroom unnoticed at night? Burglary?
What's up with Judah visiting prostitutes & then ordering his ex daughter in law Tamar burned (while pregnant) for allegedly being a prostitute?
Did Jesus eat any of the fishes and loaves?
How did God "forget" about Noah & crew floating around? Busy with what exactly???
Just found out their about to baptise my 14 year old boy.
by Crazyguy inthere doing this right under my nose but i just found out.
not sure what to do but would like your help on getting me wt information on my headship role and how they shouldn't be doing this with out my permission.
also would like some help on showing my son the ramifications on what happens to someone when they get baptized and how they'll expect him to treat me.
Any legally binding contracts regarding minor dependants must be agreed to by both parents. -
Reading the Bible in 6 months isn't "anything to brag about" - Anthony Morris
by mac n cheese inthe 2015 annual meeting, specifically, part 1, right about minute 27, has anthony morris emphasizing that "you're better off reading one chapter (of the bible) and really absorbing it" than just reading the whole thing "as a challenge".
while i agree with the the whole idea of meditating on anything you read, it was doing this very thing that brought up so many unanswered questions.
i also came to the constant realization that the jws did not have a clue about what the bible really said.
Meh, for a read, the Bible is far more interesting than any of the publications. You get boozers, prostitutes, war, intrigue, jealously. Talking animals, monsters, sons bonking their fathers wives, ladies hammering tent pegs into heads, bears ripping apart ignorant children, extraterrestrials impregnating human females, & brothers selling each other into slavery.
I mean really.