When you think about it, that whole rapy thing wasn't without purpose.
We have the custom of carrying a new bride across the "threshold" of a house or some such dwelling. That actually comes from Romulus getting wives for his men. They killed the men of surrounding Italian tribes and carried off the women to be their wives; rape victims kicking and screaming. They had to drag and carry them into their houses. Yet, this custom which comes from mass rape is looked upon favorably today by Western societies.
Ancient people, ancient times.
Now, in the Bible if you raped someone, basically soiling her, you had to marry and take care of her. Gross, I know. But you couldn't run around like the Scandinavians just pillaging and raping. It comes from that whole Tribe of Benjamin incident. However, your raping activity was stopped there because if you rape another, you've committed adultery and that was punishable by death. In the ancient Middle East the rocks they used to bash your head in weren't small. That's what you get.
It's best not to rape.