Why do they think sheep and goats need judgement? Also, I don't like how they look down on goats as if they were bad creatures. 😆
This is what happens when you don't have a basic understanding of Bible 101. You end up misconstruing everything Jesus said. For Jesus was both a sheep and a goat.
One separates the sheep from the goats because:
1. Sheep are used for Passover, they represent keeping death away.
2. Goats are used for the Day of Atonement(Yom Kippur), they represent forgiveness of and the taking away of sin.
The two holiest days, one uses a sheep, the other goats. They represent Gods grace from sin and death. Anyhow, Jesus was using a simple analogy about separation in terms that first century Hebrew people would easily understand.
There is NO class of good sheep and bad goats.
IF they were annointed as they claim, they'd know this basic Bible stuff.