See, that's your problem Greybeard. You got that thinking "disease"; that abomination which causes desolation. (I can jack up and misuse scriptures too, ☺) There's no understanding the incoherent, unreasonable, or insane.
They GB all but came out and said, "obey us even if it doesn't make any sense." That was said for the oldz that know stuff and for the young who may put together a coherent thought.
Videos of hiding in bunkers, extreme shunning bringing praise, give up all your means to 'the invisible cause' again? We're not the slave but are the slave. The org (a frigging LLC) is mother. We're your mediator, not Jesus ... follow us, obey us!!!! Do more! Tight pants and colorful socks are of satan. Referring to Christ as their brother but never their Lord, King, head, or husbandly owner? (Anyone can ignore a brother or sister)
Leaving the message of salvation for one of judgement????
I am quite afraid for my JW relatives as the GB and the psycho drunks in Writing seem off their lithium and about to go full moonbat.