Why, were going to play with it?
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
yes that's right, you heard me!
at least, according to this website: http://www.goodmorals.org/sterile.html , which explains that masturbation is sex with someone of the same sex, namely, you!
chalk another one up on the christidiocy scale.. better lie down, i'm starting to feel a bit queer now.. expatbrit
Why, were going to play with it?
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
yes that's right, you heard me!
at least, according to this website: http://www.goodmorals.org/sterile.html , which explains that masturbation is sex with someone of the same sex, namely, you!
chalk another one up on the christidiocy scale.. better lie down, i'm starting to feel a bit queer now.. expatbrit
But Expatbrit, No one knows what I like better than me. Whats your point
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
just by posting on this board pro dubs show they cannot follow the rules of the wbts.yet they are here to tell the rest of us to follow the rules of the wbts.what is wrong with this picture?...outlaw
Dang, OUTLAW, I guess I need to get into a few more fluff post so I can become a Jedi too. I have been here almost a year, you only a couple of months and you already beat me
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
when you start reading rays book and find out that everything you know to be factual, the only constant, solid, truth in the universe is just nothing?
i've known this in my head since i started reading posts here on xmas day but i have never really believed it.
i thought i just wanted to believe it so that i could rid myself of some of this guilt i've always carried around.
Flower, just hang on. It will get better. I went through the same thing back in 98.
My main concern for you is the fact that you still live with your parents. Is there a way you could save some money to get a place of your own? This would make it a lot easier. At least you wouldn't have to fear that they can see what you are thinking.
You are one of the reasons I come to these forums. I have all the jw stuff out of my system already, but I know how it hurts and hope I can somehow console you and others hurting.
I never had to deal with JW parents as I was the only jw in my family. It still hurts though, knowing I was lied to.
If you need a friend with a listening ear, my e-mail is open to you.
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
i posted this same topic earlier but it didn't go through so i have to do it again.. i didn't think my ten questions would cause a person(youknow) to be attacked because his opinions was different from the majority.. alanf.
i don't know you personally and i don't know what you have gone through in your life, but i can say from what i have seen in here you have a lot of angry,hate, and other issues inside you that needs to be dealt with.
you oblivious have some sort of history with this man.
YouKnow, how can a person poisen anothers mind with facts?
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
let's hope it's true.
the e-mail follows.............. hello everyone i've been told dateline will air the jw story on .
you should check your local listings to find out the time.
I hope that is the case, and they air it then along with the other segment.
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
let's hope it's true.
the e-mail follows.............. hello everyone i've been told dateline will air the jw story on .
you should check your local listings to find out the time.
Maybe not, I just checked the site and this is what is listed for the 11th
9:00 P.M. ET - Pittsburgh pastor
He seemed to be an answer to a struggling town’s prayers. Reverend Altman had an impressive resume and brought new hope to a failing church with music and inspiring sermons. Everyone was thrilled with the new minister, until someone checked the books and talk of sexual impropriety began. When they checked his resume, instead of prestigious degrees they found a prison record. In a DATELINE exclusive members of the church tell their stories of deception and the Reverend William Michael Altman sits down with Rob Stafford to explain what he calls a terrible misunderstanding.
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
let's hope it's true.
the e-mail follows.............. hello everyone i've been told dateline will air the jw story on .
you should check your local listings to find out the time.
Let's hope it's true. The e-mail follows.............
Hello everyone I've been told Dateline will air the JW story on
Jan. 11th. You should check your local listings to find out the time. This is the date that's being passed around I hope it's correct. I'lll have my tape running : )
Happy New Year everyone !!
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
got this off another chat board.
A word of advice from a mom who has been there. Make sure your make-up is out of childrens reach. Especially while you are taking a nap. I learned the hard way.
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
i posted this same topic earlier but it didn't go through so i have to do it again.. i didn't think my ten questions would cause a person(youknow) to be attacked because his opinions was different from the majority.. alanf.
i don't know you personally and i don't know what you have gone through in your life, but i can say from what i have seen in here you have a lot of angry,hate, and other issues inside you that needs to be dealt with.
you oblivious have some sort of history with this man.
Danni, Alan is a pretty good guy, although a bit to serious at times.
He just tells it as he see's it. Nothing wrong with that is it?
I do not hate any JW's, What I hate is how the WTBTS brainwashes people to make themselves rich. You are a policewoman so you have access to things that many of us do not. Why not try searching into their history as far as the law is concerned and then make up your own mind as to wheather they are a good religion or not. ALL the facts are out there.
Good luck to you Danni.
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.