Topics Started by andys
Coroner urges Jehovah's Witnesses to review blood transfusion ban
by andys inclick on the news article below:.
news article about blood transfusions.
Youtube video documentry of Bethal waiter crew
by andys ini found this video on youtube, looks like a extremely busy schedule and on top of that meetings, service, etc................. click on link: bethal waiter crew documentry.
I am trying to figure out my future if I should go to college or just keep working a regular job...............................
by andys ini am faced with a dilema right now and need some advice on what i should do with my future, i realize that eventually i'll grow old and will need to somehow work my way up so i have something to fall back on, like someone told me once i don't really have a support structure to fall back on, if something happened where i could not work i would probably wind up homeless, moving back in with my parents house would be out of the question because i would never go back to the borg.. this is my situation right now, everything is going good, i love my job, i am single no kids, i work at a hosptal making $10/hour doing janitorial work, also my rent is very cheap about $350 a month for rent on a duplex, i live less then a mile from work, right now i have the most ideal situation to save alot of money even on $10/hr job, but also i realize that everything can go all at once, if i ever lost my job since i don't have no support structure and could not find work i would be sol.. now to some of the things i like doing, i like to drive, one of the things i have always wanted to do is learn truck driving, since i don't have no extra responsibilites, i am still having a hard time though making a decision, on one hand i like my current job, but on the other hand i realize that i do have to plan for the future, if anyone can give me some advice i am at a loss of what to do, also because of the way the econommy is here in the us right now sometimes i think its best to stick with the job that i have but still don't know whats best..
Lets say a bible character was reserrected, I did calculations how long it would take to meet one billion people......................................
by andys incould you imagine the chaos, everyone wanting to meet a ressercected bible character, i did some calculations today and this is very interesting what i came up with, lets say there was only 1 billion people on the earth at the time of a bible characters reserrection, i did the math on how long it would take for just one billion people to meet a bible character, if the bible character was meeting people every second for 24 hours a day that would be about 31.7 years to meet one billion people............................................
I decided not to go to the IFB church I been attending
by andys ini have been going to an ifb baptist type church for about past 3 months, i started going in march and have decided to quit going, need advice on how to send them a letter i don't want to go anymore, its a soulwinning, king james onlyism type church, wow are they ever putting pressure on me to be in church every time the doors are open, i explain to them that i work alot of overtime, have my own home to take care of, also i have my ham radio hobby that i am involved in and also like to do volunteer type work, since i been missing alot of church every sunday i get a phone call from the pastor on why i wasn't in church, now i am to the point where i don't even answer my phone anymore when they call, but wow the pressure, its very irritating how legalistic church attendance for certain churches has gotten.. .
on the other hand i have decided that i still want to go to some sort of church, for a very short time in februiary i was going to a communicty type church where everyone is wearing something different, i noticed that alot of people wear blue jeans, even the pastor wears blue jeans, also its a non denominational type church that has alot of volunteer opportunities which i love doing, i have decided to go back to the non denomminational type church since i don't feel no pressure there.. .
2011 District Convention Beware of Apostates Sound Clip Youtube Video
by andys ini don't know how to embed youtube videos on here but heres the link:.
Do they still play the piano during songs at the KH?
by andys ini was just now thinking of this do they still play the piano at the kh or is that part out of there all together also, i have been learning that when you look at a word in the bible many words translated over to hebrew have a deeper meaning for example the word praise a person can just glance at the word and think praise, but there are many hebrew meanings behind the word praise and one of the meanings:.
zamar-to touch the strings or parts of a musical instrument i.e.
play upon it, to make music accompanied by the voice, to celebrate in song and music, give praise, sing forth praises, psalms.
Anyone into Amateur Radio involved in field day this weekendd?
by andys ini will be involved in field day this weekend june 25th and 26th, wondering if anyone else on here that is into amateur radio going to be involed in field day i am ae7 callsign extra class be operating from montana with the ham radio club that i am a member of..
Hi from Andy from state of Montana, introduce myself
by andys inhi wanted to introduce myself, i wanted to intoduce myself once all the dust cleared more and i am thinking more clearly, in feb. 2011 is when i decided to leave jw, my way out of the organization has actually been since july of 2010 gradually over time i started to question the jw religion, in july of 2010 i was still living at home with my parents, my dad at the time told me he was going to force me to go to meetings but i started to drift out the other way it got to the point where my dad told me i had to eventually leave, in november of 2010 alot of things happened, i was finally able to find my own place, just at the right time i found a very good deal on a duplex for $350 a month something that i can easily afford even on low income, usually alot of places even where i live are around $600 a month, in alot of ways i just about nearly was homeless.. in feb. of 2011 is when i decided to read the book crisis of conscience, the very first night getting through 80 pages is when my blindfolds came off, i immediatley accepted christ as my savior, also in the process i did alot of extensive research, i did research on alot of mainstream religons, also helped me out alot on where to go, i decided to check out the baptist church, everything was beyond what i expected, i am not afraid to walk into a different church to me its helping me heal all the pain that the jw religon has caused, also recently i got baptized and now am a born again christian.. .