I couldn't agree more. Where you really nail it is with regard to the support network. They may say the vast majority are peaceful, but I don't see that vast majority doing much about those fundamentalists who they claim are giving their religion a bad name. If only they were as outraged about them as they are about cartoons and works of fiction making reference to their religion. The vast majority may be peaceful, but they are also certainly complacent, apathetic and in my opinion, disingenuous about their outrage against fundamentalists.
It is not the place of outsiders to sort their problems out, it's their responsibility. Unless they undo the support network themselves, there can be no solution.
I will say this: letting in refugees by the tens of thousands who hold fast to an ideology like shariah who will inevitably demand it be recognized or claim discrimination, is asking for trouble. The "touchy-feely" powers that be and their supporters aren't thinking clearly. Think things are getting bad with fundamentalism and rampant crime against the European social system now? Wait twenty years when saying "we warned you" won't mean a damn thing.