Here's Tishie's board address:
It's an exJW support board. I go and read but rarely answer.
Lindy (Antique)
thanks to all for replying to my first newbie post.. i am here because scally asked me to repeat a post i made on tishie's board here, because you guys might be interested in talking about them.
(i also think i will stay here, cause you guys sound cool.).
my mom died in april, a lifelong jw.
Here's Tishie's board address:
It's an exJW support board. I go and read but rarely answer.
Lindy (Antique)
i am so proud.
just got my grade today in the mail.
not bad for an old lady who hasn't looked in a school book for a very long time!
I did it! I got a 3.611! I am so proud. Just got my grade today in the mail. Not bad for an old lady who hasn't looked in a school book for a very long time! In the begining I thought I'd never make it through but I did. And about half way through I knew I'd be okay. I have not had such a great time in a long time. I loved learning and forgot what it felt like. I got A's in everything but my Software Fundamentals, in which I recieved a B-. That is what kept me form the 4.0. But that is okay, I know a lot more about computers now and I know I HATE Excel!!!!
I'm signed up for 15 credits this fall, but most sound like things I will love. I know that it is hard work (which it was very difficult to do at times) to get those grades but I love the feeling of accomplishment and knowing so much more! The students were great too. Some older adults, but mostly younger ones. But once they got to know me, and me them, it was a lot of fun! The college I go to is relatively small and very homey. The professors and intructors are fantasitic! I dread going onto the main campus in two years. Even the professors hate to go there once they have been on our campus. Plus up have to deal with the traffic and inner city. Now I am in a country setting. But that is two years off and I will deal with it then.
Just letting ones I know, that may be interested, I made it!!
Lindy (Antique)
that's the title of another poxy thread on witnesses online that has me scratching my head in disbelief that anyone could be so deluded.. i would love to be able to post a reply in the thread saying something like: "well, i guess none of you have any unbelieving relatives, then?"..
Dear SF Jim.
When I read your post, all that I could think of is, if you destroy books and no one reads, then you digress as a society. History is wiped out and your have nothing to base your learning on. No one would know the beauty of the old artists and the lessons learned by so many things. No one would know why the castles were built and that man acomplished all the great things that he did, on his own no less.
I was reminded of the movie, The Time Machine, and how the Eloi were completely controlled by the Morlocks. No literature was left from the past and no one knew how to read. The books found latter changed to dust when they were touched. The people knew nothing of their history as a race on the Earth. From the outsiders point of view they looked like they lived in a paradise. But the truth was there in the night and when the sirens went off. This is how I think of paradise now, as taught by the WTBTS. Looks good on the outside but monstrous on the inside.
Lindy (Antique)
jesus, save me from your followers!.
i do work for food!
My daughter had the "Bad Cop, No Donut" one on her car for a while, among other select stickers. She took them all off and now just has some fairies and dragons on her car. She says she doesn't need any of the negative stuff she had and has changed to a more positive outlook, which has helped her a lot.
When I saw the "Bad Cop, No Donut" sticker, I thought I'd die from laughing so hard!!
hey everyone, here is a fun little test..... :
enjoy .
Got 10 out of the 11. The inning thing got me, the two sides thing. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't figure out why!
Lindy (Antique)
"only on a rare occasion have i seen a society form returned with a red-line though a recommendation, indicating they reject the appointment.
this was in a case where the brother was under 25 years old, or some other minor defect.
never was there any rationale mentioned by the society at the their reasons based on spiritual qualifications lacking.
In the 70's we had a young man just 23 and appointed an elder. They gave the excuse that our congregation didn't have enough elders. His father was an elder that was already brought in from another congregation. Family connections and popularity in the curcuit made the difference. BTW, this young man was not married and didn't become so until he was up near 30. He was happy going around on his many trips around the world and having a good time. (Not bad in itself, but it set a bad example for the youth under him.) Didn't leave much time to do the elder things, so why make him an elder? Looked good on the paper, I guess.
following a kind request, here is the " life story " of ewart chitty :.
*** w63 2/15 118-20 "in pleasant places" with jehovah's organization ***.
in pleasant places with jehovahs organization.
Dear MacHislopp,
In your post on In Pleasant Places, a few things stood out to me.
Chitty said:
"How can one get the right viewpoint on important questions and problems, so as to make right decisions? I have found that it is by heeding the published word of Jehovah’s organization, which directs one in harmony with the Scriptures."
This made me laugh out loud. You are limited to one group, inclusive. No research into anything else, no comparisons. It started long ago, didn't it? Is a “published word” more important? I wonder, because the Society still uses that phrase. If you are “published” does that make your words more believable and true? (“I read it in the Enquirer, so it must be true!” was something someone told me once.I couldn’t believe my ears!)
Another point was that Chitty needed comfort in his life because of the war. He had fear of the war. Ffear in general is a great motivator, even today. Most people that come in from the outside are coming in because of some angst in their lives. His mother was working on him, but not until WWI started did he become interested. (When I was only 8 my Mom’s life was in turmoil, and guess who came to our door?)
Chitty said:
"If you see the ‘door’ of opportunity for sacrifice and service open before you, enter it. But enter quickly.” That decided it for me. That was the moment. Without exaggeration, for me that meant the curtain was rising on a new life."
Notice "Door of Opportunity", "Enter quickly." This is something the Society uses all the time. The end is near, no time to dawdle, don't waste your time on worldly pursuits, the narrow road, the time is short". All things to make you feel you must decide right now. This is a sales tactic. "One time offer". "Offered only today." "We can't offer this price tomorrow." “Act now!” “Do not delay.”
Chitty said:
"I felt the outlook was dark and uncertain.(WWII) Would it end in Armageddon? Then, with the war still on, word came through that the Society was planning to establish on “Kingdom Farm” in New York State a school for training missionaries to serve in foreign fields. That spoke volumes to me. It was the voice of hope and promise of Jehovah’s organization indicating what was ahead. It was a sudden rising of the curtain."
The volumes it should have spoken to him was that the Society was moving on and didn't believe itself that this world was ever going to end. As so many time since this letter has been written, the Society speaks of the end being near, tells us not to plan for a future her on earth, but goes on planning the future of the WTBTS. We were not to get an education past HS. We were not supposed to invest in stocks and savings. We were not supposed to build houses of our own. We were not to seek advancement on our jobs. We were supposed to support the preaching work and the building work, but not plan for ourselves. That would show Jehovah that we didn't trust him. But the Society continued to build and expand and grow. I remember a time not that long ago that we were not even supposed to have any more children and many were encouraged not to even marry. (Mid 80's) I noticed that thought went away when the Society noticed that not that many were coming in from the outside anymore and the only hope of support might be future generations! But so many of the young are now leaving, it makes you wonder what they have in mind now for financial support for the future? Even though the end is "near", soon", you must keep supporting the never ending greed hungry WTBTS, so they can continue on to "save the many still out there, needing hope." Of course that requires new building, furnishings, updated equipment and the contribute publishers!! Put your own needs aside for the WTBTS, Gods organization on Earth! (I have this image of a big greedy giant pig, with tiny people running around trying to gather enough food to feed it. Sort of like worshipping the golden calf, in days gone by.)
has anyone out there ever pondered that question?
i remember when i was a little boy i always seemed to feel so close to god.
my family was not and still isn't very religious, so why did i turn out to be that way at such a young age?
Here's a link to the May issue of Newsweek that has some real interesting things on the brain and religion.
Relion and The Brain:
Faith Is More Than A Feeling:
what am i going to do with all the books (for field service) that i still got??
i got 5 "life" books, 3 nwt's, 5 "knowledge" books, 3 of every brochure, 10 "required" brochures, 2 "creator" books, 2 "family" books and a 12 inch pile of wt's and awakes?
(i got another box of books to got thru in a minute) and i didn't even pay for them!.
Put them up on e-bay and make some money. People all over are looking for copies of JW books for their own libraries or for research.
hi folks..... i just received this absolutely delightful email this morning:.
from: [email protected].
to: [email protected].
Isn't it something how typing on the internet can bring out the true nature of some JWs? I have noticed that they seem to be a lot more free in their feelings and words than they would ever be if they were around other JWs speaking there minds. The crap that comes out of their mouths. So christian-like! These are the ones that would be leading the "double lives" the Society speaks of if they thought they could pull it off. Then again, I guess that is exactly what they are doing isn't it, just on-line. Fred is a good example of this. We love to see him make a fool of himself, but I bet if he was in a group of JWs and speaking to apostates, he wouldn't even start to talk like he does here. The thread on the ones on a JW site (Witnesses on line?) on setting up a video on how Armageddon was going to destroy everyone and how it might happen was really gross. I would never have thought to do something the whole time I was in. I never liked to even think of such destuction of people and the destruction of neighbors and family not "in". I was shocked at how so few came and said how bad as a christain, that doing this type of video was wrong, and that someone didn't say, "Can you see Jesus doing this." I guess this type of behavior is more accepted today than five years ago when I was still going.