No, I can't say I have had one single prayer answered. This was something that bothered me. It fed into my self-image and sense of self. I figured that God didn't want anything to do with me. I did all I could to get his attention. The sisters around me got their prayers answered, what was wrong with me? They told me to be specific. I did. Got nothing. Ask for things along God's will. I did. Nothing. I figured the few bad things that I did must be the end of God's love for me. When I had my crisis of conscience with my religion, I prayed and prayed for a sign that I was wrong in what I felt and what I had found out about the Society. After I finally figured it out, I then realized God did answer me. He didn't want me associating with the WTBTS because he was no longer with them. More research led me to believe as I do now, that God is not there listening and more than likely never was and no ones prayers are answered. But believing so can make the right things happen. You can make them happen though because you believe they will. You do all the right things and things work out. If not, it was not in your power to begin with and you say it was not God's will for you. You blame youself.
It goes along the thinking that God is with both teams playing against each other and on both sides of the wars that are killing people everyday. He can't possibly be with all these idiots!! Yet they keep playing and waring and when they win it was with God's blessing so it makes all competion and the killing okay. If you don't win then it was because you lost God's blessing or he has other plans for you, or you need to work on something such as humility.
It is the same with people dying and when destruction hits with hurricanes and tornadoes. If you live it is God's will and you bless him and prayers were answered. If not, then it is Satan's doing. If the local KH survives it is with God's protection. "God doesn't give you more than you can bear", is another good one for when bad happens and prayers aren't answered. It is a no win, because people will find a way to be blessed or persecuted for God's sake no matter which way anything goes.
Lindy (Antique)