A truly fun post - ride on!
And Merry Christmas,
if you have kids and want to get just one more gift for them, take note.. ok, last sunday while finishing up the shopping i happened to pass a display of a toy i have wanted to get for a long time.
for my nephew...ok for me too.
radio controlled motorcycle!
since we have so many right-leaning politically speaking posters, i was wondering what comments they might be willing to offer up on this column i caught this morning.. http://www.observer.com/pages/conason.asp.
i am sure most of those who are quick to criticize anything that even remotely relates to clinton are all whitewater experts by now.
i would enjoy reading what thoughts you may have on the parallels and even how enron makes whitewater look like a trip to the penny candy store.. hoping some conservative can help me feel less screwed by my republican administration,.
I found Amazing's post quite odd - presumably most people know what oral sex involves - so laying it out in such graphic detail was not only uncalled for but a bit salacious to boot. It is quite Amazing how people who pride themselves on independent thinking can be so easily corralled into the appropriate corner when the time comes. That's true for the Democrat or the Republican - the differences between the two parties are somewhat like those between Swift's big-and little-endians. Mainly, they are there to distract the unthinking masses from what's really going on, or so it seems to me.
since we have so many right-leaning politically speaking posters, i was wondering what comments they might be willing to offer up on this column i caught this morning.. http://www.observer.com/pages/conason.asp.
i am sure most of those who are quick to criticize anything that even remotely relates to clinton are all whitewater experts by now.
i would enjoy reading what thoughts you may have on the parallels and even how enron makes whitewater look like a trip to the penny candy store.. hoping some conservative can help me feel less screwed by my republican administration,.
I love Noam Chomsky's characterization of it - government is just a welfare system for the rich.
since we have so many right-leaning politically speaking posters, i was wondering what comments they might be willing to offer up on this column i caught this morning.. http://www.observer.com/pages/conason.asp.
i am sure most of those who are quick to criticize anything that even remotely relates to clinton are all whitewater experts by now.
i would enjoy reading what thoughts you may have on the parallels and even how enron makes whitewater look like a trip to the penny candy store.. hoping some conservative can help me feel less screwed by my republican administration,.
Unfortunately the quick sucesses in Afghanistan will likely encourage the admin. in the belief that it can do what it wants, that bombing works, and that the US can go it alone, including in Iraq, even if the European allies disagree. All of that, together with legislation aimed at curtailing civil rights will be rather interesting to watch. Tony Blair is not much better than Bush, suggesting that the governments, whatever their persuasion, are pretty much all alike, and only really interested in feathering their own nests.
Bush vs. Gore is an interesting question - that such awful alternatives ever arose in the first place is quite disturbing. Perhaps, all of this is sign that the democratic process is in quite some danger over the medium - long term.
Bush conveniently sold all his shares in his company just before it went bust, and was, I believe investigated by the SEC. He survived. Still, what an honest, God-fearing, born -again, Christian man he is.
since we have so many right-leaning politically speaking posters, i was wondering what comments they might be willing to offer up on this column i caught this morning.. http://www.observer.com/pages/conason.asp.
i am sure most of those who are quick to criticize anything that even remotely relates to clinton are all whitewater experts by now.
i would enjoy reading what thoughts you may have on the parallels and even how enron makes whitewater look like a trip to the penny candy store.. hoping some conservative can help me feel less screwed by my republican administration,.
Although, it surely must be admitted that the Republicans are into government solutions - look at the airline bailout. Why not just have let the inefficient ones go under? After all, there are efficient operators who are being shut out of certain airports - jetBlue for instance. It is a huge myth that the Republicans are against big government - they're simply in favor of applying government solutions to a different group of people, or so it seems to me.
darwin on trial is the title of a book on evolution that has ruffled the feathers of the secular scientific community.
though a christian, author philip johnson critiques evolutionary theory from a secular standpoint as he examines the philosophical games many scientists play to protect their evolutionary ideology.
johnson, a law professor at the university of california at berkeley, attacks head-on the often-heard statement that evolution is both a fact and a theory, an evolutionary dogma that has been a major source of confusion for a long time.
i've thought about this subject for a long time but have.
avoided discussing it because of its abstract nature and.
the difficulties in explaining it.
Generally, in science, theories are about "how" rather than "why." No one knows why Kepler's laws are what they are, but they do provide a theory of how the solar system operates. The same is true for evolution - scientists are always asking "how" while creationists like to ask "why" and, in the process, they may confuse that with "how." In fact, creationists don't usually even ask "why" they most often assume "why."
asa gray, a famous harvard botany professor, who was to become a leading advocate of theistic evolution, wrote darwin expressing doubt that natural processes could explain the formation of complex organs such as the eye.
darwin expressed a similar concern in his return letter of february 1860.. the eye to this day gives me a cold shudder, but when i think of the fine known gradations [available through millions of years of evolution], my reason tells me i ought to conquer the cold shudder.
charles darwin, the life and letters of charles darwin, vol.
What facts? After Escargot has shown himself to be dishonest then he deserves to be named that. He is a liar.
asa gray, a famous harvard botany professor, who was to become a leading advocate of theistic evolution, wrote darwin expressing doubt that natural processes could explain the formation of complex organs such as the eye.
darwin expressed a similar concern in his return letter of february 1860.. the eye to this day gives me a cold shudder, but when i think of the fine known gradations [available through millions of years of evolution], my reason tells me i ought to conquer the cold shudder.
charles darwin, the life and letters of charles darwin, vol.
We proved that you are a liar for taking Darwin's statement out of context and then misusing it.
I proved that the Creationist argument on your origibal web page about DNA is a false representaion of evolutionary theory.
I demonstrated that the paper you quoted was not in an independent, peer-reviewed, scientific journal.
I proved that the only papers that creation scientists can get published in legitimate (i.e., see above) journals are articles that are not about CS.
I demonstrated that statements in the IQCR paper about the 2nd Law are false.
So your words describe rather aptly your own methods.
Again, it never fails to amze me how readily "Christians" will tell lies to make themselves feel secure in their own childish beliefs. Beliefs, by the way, which they can only defend by representations to the authority of half-baked creation scientists.
I often wonder if Behe is not just a very astute businessman who has espied a ready market for anyone who will pump this junk out. I used to think that this did much harm - now I'm not so sure - what harm does it do to sell junk science to intellectual midgets who, in any case, want to be reassured so badly?
asa gray, a famous harvard botany professor, who was to become a leading advocate of theistic evolution, wrote darwin expressing doubt that natural processes could explain the formation of complex organs such as the eye.
darwin expressed a similar concern in his return letter of february 1860.. the eye to this day gives me a cold shudder, but when i think of the fine known gradations [available through millions of years of evolution], my reason tells me i ought to conquer the cold shudder.
charles darwin, the life and letters of charles darwin, vol.
No you idiot - it's just what I have to give in addition to the logical, reasoned arguments that have been presented and which you have either ignored or met with dishonest quotes. Remember, Escargot, liars shall not inherit the kingdom - and you have demonstrated yourself to be a liar. So, you will have salt rubbed into your tail on Judgment Day.
You sound quite insane by the way.