Please delete me let me go, cos I can't stay here anymore.....
(Sung in a Jim Reeves voice)
Maybe they just can't control themselves when it comes to posting...
LPH, undeleted class
sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question.
it just doesn't seem like one for the technical support.. dumb question?
what's the big deal having your registration to post "deactivated" on this board?.
Please delete me let me go, cos I can't stay here anymore.....
(Sung in a Jim Reeves voice)
Maybe they just can't control themselves when it comes to posting...
LPH, undeleted class
ask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
Thankfully I don't believe we've had the pleasure before. If you think that the JW responses on this thread - including your own stellar contributions - have anything to do with "thought" then, that at least explains one thing that's been puzzling me - why the telecoms are in the shitter if they're manned by apes like thee.
ask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
You're joking, right? You don't seriously think that the people on this thread who are arguing the contra JW position have doubts about the correctness of their arguments, do you? It's more about trying to cause a few JWs - if only lurkers - to think for themselves.
ask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
Someone should circulate this thread to all the child welfare agencies they can think of and the press - with a copy to the WTS too.
What sort of people could mislead people in this fashion and have the f***** arrogance to claim they speak for God?
ask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
How can anyone understand why JWs believe as they do when the best answer you can provide is "the GB told us what to believe - and they speak for God."
ask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
So in the space of a few posts you contradicted yourself. First you claimed protection from AIDS and now you don't. Which is it? Do you care? I'd say that parents with as little understanding of their religion's medical policies, and who are so glibly able to talk of their child's death for a policy that could change next week, should not be allowed to have children.
I find it interesting that if it did change next week, you wouldn't question it - you'd receive it as new light. So, you answered my question:
(i) You treat the GB as inspired and ifallible
(ii) You are UNable to defend your religion using the scriptures.
So, in view of the '65 article you are no better than the Catholics whom you condemn.
Cygnus: I think it's my own buisness who I answer and who I don't. But, to answer yr question, it provides a useful object lesson for any who might be lurking. Further, it seemed for a while that Trisha, even though totally out to lunch, might actually have been considering some points.
ask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
Any and all of the blood fractions that a JW can accept can also transmit AIDS. Don't you understand that if blood contains the AIDS virus then anything you make from that blood - blood fractions - will also contain the AIDS virus.
Ask your doctor and also write to the Society and ask them: "If I accept a permitted blood fraction am I guaranteed that I will not contract a disease such as AIDS or mad cow disease."
ps: show us from the Society's literature where it tell syou that you will be protected from disease if you accept the blood fractions that are permitted. The level of disinformation in the JW community on this issue is criminal.
ask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
Do you understand that there is zero protection from blood borne diseases afforded under the WTS's current policies because all components of blood are allowed in some form or other. Factor VIII, for example, was a notorious transmitter of disease until better methods were developed. So the health issue is a non issue. The GB bans red cells, white cells, platelets and whole plasma but lets JWs accept preparations made from these items. So, no protection.
All medical procedures carry risk by the way. Would you reject antibiotics because some people die through using them?
As for the resurrection - imagine that your child died today because she need something that contained red blood cells and you refused. And then next week's WT magazine were to contain "New Light" and allow that particular blood fraction. How would you feel? Would the resurrection hope allow you to make sense of that? Well that has happened time and again as the GB has changed its rules so many times. The resurrection hope is good, but it does not excuse negligent behavior that causes death. Jesus taught that much.
See how they mislead and deceive you - you didn't even know that JWs get no protection from Aids transmitted by blood, did you. But I, as an "apostate" knew that. Go back, please and read the above article from the '65 WT again. So, if a JW gets Aids from Factor VIII will you blame the GB?
Serious stuff, Trisha. Actual lives are at stake not just the feel good of belonging to a cult that does the thinking for you.
ps: at one time organ transplants were prohibited because they were considered cannibalism.
ask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
Good for you. I'm sure that your explanation would be most valuable to someone whose child is about to die and who asks "How do we know the GB won't chnage its mind on blood yet again."
But, be that on your own empty head. For all JWs share community responsibilty for any deaths that occur.
ask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
Trisha, dear girl - are you saying that the WTS has as much justification for its blood policy as do the Mormons and their policy on coffee (it's a lot more complex than caffeine)? If so, I would agree with you - there is no Scriptural support for either.
However, you do, I am sure know that the Law demands that blood be poured out and not used. Well, in order to get blood extracts one can hardly pour the blood out onto the dust, now can one?
Do bear in mind that excellent advice contained in the 1965 Watchtower - you must defend your faith scripturally, unlike those noisome Catholics who can only recite by rote what they are told by Rome.
I see you have resorted to the "look at the whole picture" argument. You tell us then, just what is the whole picture? From the Bible of course.