NGOs affiliate with the UN so that they can pursue shared goals - in this case those goals would be humanitarian goals since the WTS registered in the area of Human rights. The obvious reason that an NGO is given access to the library and other UN facilities is so that they can pursue those goals. That is, affiliation with the UN is for multiple connected purposes - it is not intended to be a one-way street in which an NGO simply gets a grounds pass.
Thus, all Alward has done is to say what is obvious - that access to the library is so that an NGO can pursue those goals. But note that it is Alward who has said it - not the WTS. Gillies said that the sole purpose for affiliation was to get access to the library. What part of "sole" doesn't Alward understand?
That is why it is possible to have access to the library without being an NGO. The sole purpose of an NGO is not access to the library - it is furtherance of shared goals, and is more along the lines explained by the Portuguese branch.
In fact, very few JWs will be aware of all three of these statements -and even if they were they would defer to the official letter from Brooklyn - which Brooklyn (really Patterson) states supercedes all previous letters.
What Alward seems to miss is that the WTS has not honestly stated what they were doing. Gillies' letter tells JWs that it was just for a library card and this has become embedded in the minds of many JWs -as it was intended to be. Any mention of the UN issue is met with "Oh, that was just to get into the library." So the seriousnes of the matter is trivialized - as was the intention. When Stepen Bates emailed Gillies and pointed out the errors in his letter did Gillies correct them? Of course not.
Does the WTS care to clear this misperception up by explaining that there was a humanitarian aspect to its affiliation? Or did it send a letter to all branches telling them that what they will say in response to future inquiries? The Brooklyn letter mention ecological problems etc but is a far cry from what the Portuguese branch said which also stated
It is not a political maneuver", says the AJW spokesman, "because without the support of the
UNO it would not be possible to distribute humanitarian help". And as the registry "does not violate
the statutory precepts" of the JW, the criticisms to the registry in the DPI "do not have any basis",
says Pedro Candeias.»
Now, why do you need a library card to distribute humanitarian help? And why doesn't this admirable statement appear in the other letters if the "resistry as NGO was made
only to be able to give humanitarian help ...."
Since when has the WTS economized on the length of letters? Alward's arguments start from a false premise - the WTS did not lie. He has written so much about that that now he cannot back away from it without losing face. Note what Alward said yeterday in another thread:
If someone besides Hartley wishes to present the "Portuguese" argument in a dispassionate, objective manner, I would be happy to try to rebut it.
For all his talk of objectivity, Alward shows that
even before hearing what the argument was he would try to rebut it. Why? Because, apparently he has formulated his opinion already!
Many people have written genuine letters - e.g., zev - to the WTS asking for clarification. All they get back is a form letter that conveys a totally misleading impression. That is lying. Those who talk to their elders may be threatened - as was badwillie.
It boils down to the following - does an individual think the WTS was being honest or not? No one can make that decision for another, and no amount of discussion can resolve it, especially when the debate is reduced to semantical nonsense. At that point the language itself loses its meaning - as anyone who cares to look at some of the threads in the "Scandal" section will realize.
But if the WTS did want to deceive people then they have certainly done a good job. On the other hand, if they wanted to be honest then how simple it would be for such a large printing organization to clear the matter up.
So here's the acid test; Alward, and anyone else who wishes should call up the WTS, or write to them, or talk with their elders and ask them about the points made by Alward as well as the other multiple discrepancies discussed elsewhere. For if the WTS is anxious that the truth be known then it will answer anyone who inquires. I'd suggest calling Harry Peloyan, the editor of Awake!, and asking him for clarification. Why this endless debate when the honesty of the WTS can be put to the test directly.