When you claim to speak in God's name, as his sole channel of communication, then you do not make mistakes. You do what got people in Israel stoned to death - you make false prophecies. There is a tremendous difference.
How come the WTS hasn't admitted that it made a mistake with the length of a CD, which it used to bolster its end times chronology? Is that honest? But then again, when have those in "the Truth" given a damn about truth?
How you doing on the doors YoYo - are your arguments so compelling that people are falling over themselves to become dubs? Or are they looking at forums such as this one and seeing for themselves what a joke this religion is - largely through the feeble efforts of those who, in trying to defend it, demonstrate just how ridiculous the whole thing is.
You can't even tell me if the WTS still believe that a CD is 7000 years long or not. But that's not surprising. I persuaded a loyal JW to write to Patterson and ask and you know what, they wouldn't/couldn't say either. That's God Channel we talking about!
Why do you think that is the case, YoYoMama?