Do you understand that there is zero protection from blood borne diseases afforded under the WTS's current policies because all components of blood are allowed in some form or other. Factor VIII, for example, was a notorious transmitter of disease until better methods were developed. So the health issue is a non issue. The GB bans red cells, white cells, platelets and whole plasma but lets JWs accept preparations made from these items. So, no protection.
All medical procedures carry risk by the way. Would you reject antibiotics because some people die through using them?
As for the resurrection - imagine that your child died today because she need something that contained red blood cells and you refused. And then next week's WT magazine were to contain "New Light" and allow that particular blood fraction. How would you feel? Would the resurrection hope allow you to make sense of that? Well that has happened time and again as the GB has changed its rules so many times. The resurrection hope is good, but it does not excuse negligent behavior that causes death. Jesus taught that much.
See how they mislead and deceive you - you didn't even know that JWs get no protection from Aids transmitted by blood, did you. But I, as an "apostate" knew that. Go back, please and read the above article from the '65 WT again. So, if a JW gets Aids from Factor VIII will you blame the GB?
Serious stuff, Trisha. Actual lives are at stake not just the feel good of belonging to a cult that does the thinking for you.
ps: at one time organ transplants were prohibited because they were considered cannibalism.