... because there is always the chance you could really become one of them.He certainly would fit in - I'm sure that there would be an opening for him in the writing department.
ok we know that the wts was, until recently, associated with the un even through the wts clearly condemns it.
of course the reason they gave for associating with the un is lame.. my question is this: what do you think is the real reason that the wts decided associate themselves with the un?.
i don't think that anyone has ever answered that question.
... because there is always the chance you could really become one of them.He certainly would fit in - I'm sure that there would be an opening for him in the writing department.
ok we know that the wts was, until recently, associated with the un even through the wts clearly condemns it.
of course the reason they gave for associating with the un is lame.. my question is this: what do you think is the real reason that the wts decided associate themselves with the un?.
i don't think that anyone has ever answered that question.
So Joseph, now that I've decided to "abandon the thread" that's precisely when you decide to start pretending to deal with the issues. You are so predictably childish. Is that why it has taken you so long to attain the lofty level of Assistant Professor? And is there no bottom to your dishonesty? Apparently not. Against my better judgement I'll respond this last time:
Note what Alward did:
He quoted what I stated, and which is true, namely;
The Head Librarian and also the letter higher up in this thread have confirmed that it was not necessary to be an NGO to get a library cardRecall that the Librarian stated;
Although the Dag Hammarskjöld Library and the NGO Section are bothand then Alward said:
within DPI, admission to the Library is not related to NGO status except in
the positive sense: anyone with a pass permitting entrance to the United
Nations premises (including accredited NGO representatives as well as
accredited members of the press) can enter and use the Library facilities.
Otherwise, a library pass is required. Passes are granted to serious
researchers upon presentation of a letter with the raised seal of your
institution and subject to clearance by both the Library and UN Security.
Hartley evidently wants trusting forum members to believe that the Watchtower claimed that it was necessary to be an (affiliated) NGO to get a library card. This is not true.and yet it is true - look what the WTS actually said;
Our purpose in registering with the Department ofYou cannot get much clearer than that. Even Alward said that it could mean two things - so how is he sure it is not true? Why is he misrepresenting the fact that, according to what he said earlier, there is no way to know which of the two meanings is correct? Recall that Joe's argument is that when the WTS says it was necessary to register as an NGO to have continued access they didn't actually mean that it was necessary to register, but it was necessary that they have continued access and so they chose to register. So at worst, his beloved WTS is guilty of unclear wording he says - or something like all of that - it's all back up the thread!
Public Information as a nongovernmental organization (NGO) in 1991 was to have access to research material avaiable on health, ecological and social problems at the United Nations library facilities. We had been using the library for many years prior to 1991, but in that year it became necessary to register as an NGO to have continued access.
Note how he says "trusting forum members" to add credence to his fallacious argument. He also implies that the forum members are so stupid that they would be misled without Mighty Joe Alward coming to protect them.
Then Alward states:
I bring this up to show forum members what happens when someone loses their balance in an argument. Hartley was caught in a deliberate misrepresentation made for the purpose of strengthening his argument, and he lashes out with feigned laughter at my innocent mistake and apology, then he runs away.I made I believe 5 concrete points in my last thread alone - none of which Alward bothered to deal with except to jump on a mistatement I had made. I had meant to say something like "The Head librarian was confident that ...." which I believe her words indicate - or she would not have said them. But Alward, while yet again ignoring everything I said, jumped on a single mistatement and focussed exclusively on that - ignoring all else. That is, again, a juvenile debating technique - poisoning the well. Why not deal with my points one at a time and then raise that objection as appropriate. Then I would have accepted his point. This is typical of Joe - look back over this thread and see how he has misrepresented what I said, for example, spending an entire post explaining how and why I'd misunderstood Gillies letter when in fact Alward was misrepresenting what I said - and possibly deliberately ignored the Nov 1 WT leter that hawk reproduced at the beginning of the thread.
Alward is an arrogant intellect who, possibly, has come to this forum thinking that he could snow us - probably to reassure himself of his great intellectual prowess. Well, he cannot. Although I admit that his thread on how to spell "anointed" was a real eye opener.
This thread proves that;
(i) Alward will defend the WTS at all costs even if it means redefining words so that "it was necessary" means - "it was not necessary" - typical cultist behavior.
(ii) Alward is intellectually dishonest because he will only start to deal with issues when he thinks that the person he is debating with has left the debate.
(iii) Alward can only deal with a single issue at a time and cannot see the broader picture. For example, he asked for proof that the WTS had other reasons for affiliating than the library card and I supplied it - the Portuguese branch's statement. I have lost track of how many times I've asked him to comment on this. But he will not do so. Why? Well, he says he will when the time comes. So why did he ask for examples in the first place? Likemany JWs he shifts the terms of the debate as he loses point after point.
Now I'm gone from this thread Joe, so you can indulge your habit of intellectual masturbation in the purest sense of the word - on your own. And if it turns you on, Joe, you can even keep track of how many people are watching you do it to yourself.
ok we know that the wts was, until recently, associated with the un even through the wts clearly condemns it.
of course the reason they gave for associating with the un is lame.. my question is this: what do you think is the real reason that the wts decided associate themselves with the un?.
i don't think that anyone has ever answered that question.
Tell you what Joe - show this thread to your colleagues, and anybody else you like - certainly advertise it to the forum and get their opinion too. Let's see which of us they think is dishonest.
But I suspect that there's only me giving you any attention - and you know what - from now on there's not me either. So go at it Joe - you got the whole thread to yourself.
ok we know that the wts was, until recently, associated with the un even through the wts clearly condemns it.
of course the reason they gave for associating with the un is lame.. my question is this: what do you think is the real reason that the wts decided associate themselves with the un?.
i don't think that anyone has ever answered that question.
LOL! And you think that makes it ok - to refer to nonexistent people and then merely apologize? But what's good for the goose.....
My apologies to the Head Librarian who I mistakenly said was "confident" there were no changes when she really said that "she was not aware of any changes."
Of course, the fact that Gillies stated in his letter that the UN published requirements for NGOs years after the WTS affiliated - when they actually published them years before - in 1968 - doesn't make them liars, at least judging by Joseph's refusal to comment on that and other issues. But my slip-up after what must now add up to tens of posts in this thread is sufficient for him to hurl charges that I'm making things up - even though I gave a link to the letter in question. Interestingly he used one minor misstatement to damn the whole post.
This is all typical behavior from those who defend cults - or have hidden agendas.
ok we know that the wts was, until recently, associated with the un even through the wts clearly condemns it.
of course the reason they gave for associating with the un is lame.. my question is this: what do you think is the real reason that the wts decided associate themselves with the un?.
i don't think that anyone has ever answered that question.
So I suppose that she wrote what she did because she was not confident? In other words, she wasn't confident that there were no changes? I wasn't making a direct quote, and my words are a reasonable summary of what she said in her letter. So your charge is overblown.
By the way, you stated;
Saint Susan, for example, several weeks ago told me and this forumthere is no Saint Susan on this board and so your name can be added to the growing list of those who make things up to suit their own ends.
But at least it has provided you with yet another excuse to avoid the issues.
ok we know that the wts was, until recently, associated with the un even through the wts clearly condemns it.
of course the reason they gave for associating with the un is lame.. my question is this: what do you think is the real reason that the wts decided associate themselves with the un?.
i don't think that anyone has ever answered that question.
It is true that all information about the WTS should be presented accurately. If only you would do the same.
Let's itemize the facts that you have ignored:
(i) The Portuguese branch said the WTS affiliated
Excerpts:whereas Gillies stated that it was for the sole purpose of getting a library card.
«"The registry as NGO was made only to be able to give humanitarian help and defend the human rights in several countries of the world"
That is a documented contradiction. No explanation has been forthcoming. Doesn't that contradiction bother you? Or should we just discount the Portugal branch's opinion - even though branches in Europe are often involved with humanitarian efforts.
(ii) Gillies said that Stephen Bates' article "substantially misrepresented" the issue. He presented no facts.
(iii) Gillies stated that "Years later, unbeknowst to [the GB], the UN published "Criteria for Association" stipulating that affiliated NGOs be required to support the goals of the UN."
Those criteria were published in 1968 in UN Resolutions 1296/1297. Therefore Gillies' letter is wrong.
ADDED: I'd add that Stephen Bates in an email to Gillies, published on this site, clearly told Gillies about the 1968 resolution and pointed out other inaccuracies. Contact Stephen Bates if you don't believe me. Did Gillies attempt to correct his letter or let it stand? As you know, if one deliberately fails to correct an error (if it was that) once it becomes known, then that it becomes a lie.
(iv) Hoeffel's letter confirmed that the same rules were in place in 1991/2 as in 1968 and even now.
(v) The Head Librarian and also the letter higher up in this thread have confirmed that it was not necessary to be an NGO to get a library card.
(vi) The Head Librarian says that she is confident that the rules did not change in 1991.
Now, while it is true that a person is not guilty until so proven, it is also true when the weight of evidence is there a charge can be brought. The charge of lying and hypocrisy has legitimately been brought against the WTS based on the weight of evidence. It is now up to them to explain themselves if they want to have this charge removed.
It is stupid to ask for proof that "something did not happen." The WTS, in its explanation to JWs worldwide is making statements that go against all of the evidence, including direct statements by UN officials on UN notepaper.
You choose to ignore what doesn't suit you. It is not an extraordinary claim to make that the WTS is lying. There is abundant evidence that they lie regularly. The above facts were they available, say, in the Enron case would be sufficient to launch an investigation. What is extraordinary is that the WTS agreed to promote the goals of the scarlet-colored wild beast and did so for 10 years rather effectively. Thus, an extraordinary explanation is called for. We have the extraordinary evidence - even if you don't like it.
Gillies' letter was intentionally deceitful which is why it caused so much confusion. Without doubt the vast majority of JWs read the letter the way that you say hawkaw read it - because it was designed to be read that way. It was designed to deceive. Also, it contains definite falsehoods as I have shown. Unless you are saying that Hoeffel and Dickstein are both lying.
So far you have used straw men, selective quotations, and now you are dragging red herrings across the path. I don't give a damn about what Saint Satan or Hawkaw have said in other threads - in this thread we are dealing with specific concrete issues that I have raised repeatedly and which you are doing your best to avoid.
As for writing to the library - I have done the same. I too am interested in getting more evidence. But the point is that if the WTS were being honest then they would be willing to explain the contradictions above. The UN is far to busy to find every single item relating to changes to library policy in 1991 1992. Enough documented contradictions exist to establish that, if the WTS refuses to discuss this issue - as it does - then the charge of lying must stand. For it is proven absent some extraordinary explanation from the WTS.
I repeat, why don't you call Harry Peloyan, the editor of Awake! and get the answer from him? After all, since you are the WTS's number one defender on this issue he is sure to want to talk with you.
with all the "food" "fluff" larc has started, it has made me wonder how many here are vegetarian or meat eaters.. i like my meat in winter, but only in very small amounts.. summertime i go completely vegetarian and relish fruits and vegetables.. how about you??.
manners require time, and nothing is more vulgar than haste.
I'm vegan. But I try to eat only red vegetables.
this thread is for a general all-inclusive discussion of the library card explanation presented by the wts.
nothing within that context should be considered off-topic.. to get the ball rolling:.
by affiliating with the un as an ngo an organization agrees to support and advance un goals.
See the thread in this section started by gilwarrior.
ok we know that the wts was, until recently, associated with the un even through the wts clearly condemns it.
of course the reason they gave for associating with the un is lame.. my question is this: what do you think is the real reason that the wts decided associate themselves with the un?.
i don't think that anyone has ever answered that question.
There is an abundance of evidence that at least suggests strongly that the WTS has lied about its involvement with the UN to cover up its hypocrisy. This is a huge issue for JWs who would be shocked if they actually knew what the terms of that arrangement were. The evidence has been presented to the WTS and they refuse to give a straight answer. Many JWs knew that the WTS used the UN library - I knew that years ago. That is why the library card defense is so effective as a way of stifling discussion amongst JWs.
So you charge in and say that the UN - not the WTS - should go to the trouble to see if there were any changes in 1991. That is riculuous - why should the UN go through all that paperwork when substantive evidence is available that at least suggests that the WTS is lying. To me the evidence is overwhelming, but even if you don't accept that, it is substantial. Since the WTS says that there were changes that precipitated their actions then they should supply documentation of those changes. They should also not be decitful in using language that is unclear. This is an old WTS trick and so it seems unlikely on an issue that they have taken very seriously they would be lax in their language.
The Head Librarian would likely recollect any changes along the lines that the WTS is hinting at. However, no sane person would say "10 years ago there absolutely were no changes affecting the rules for using the library." The WTS, being a bureacracy itself is fully aware of that.
Here are the facts:
(i) The WTS affiliatied as an NGO which involved the obligation to further UN goals.
(ii) For 10 years or so it fulfilled those obligations.
(iii) Its status as an NGO was not generally known amongst JWs.
(iv) When it was found out - and articles appeared in the press - only then did it withdraw.
(v) No public statements were issued by the WTS but rumours that is "was just for a library card" started flying in the JW community. Who started those?
(vi) The Portguese branch office issued a statement in direct contradiction to that emanating from London Bethel.
(vii) HQ sent a letter to branches that claimed that the rules had somehow changed in 1991 necessitating that they affiliate. In effect, they deny - certainly they ignore - the existence of requirements laid down in 1968 in UN Resolutions 1296/1297/
(viii) Hoeffel's letter spells out explicitly what the responsibilities for NGOs were in 1991 and his letter flatly contradicts the WTS's November letter.
Yet you insist that the WTS has honestly stated its position. You have made no real attempt to address most of the points above - e.g., the Portuguese letter. Like most defenders of cults, and especially JWs, you ignore arguments or evidence that is damaging to your position. You also don't seem interested in the overall ethics - so I ask you, in view of this, do you think the WTS was being hyopcritical? In other words, for the sake of argument only let's assume that they did affiliate solely to get a library card - then was that hypocrisy or not. Yes or no?
ps: of course NGO status gives access to the library. The Head Librarian's letter says that. Just like a faculty ID permits access to the university library. But a faculty ID is not a library card. There are other ways - besides joining the faculty - to enter the library. Thu sit is not necessary to have a faculty card to obtain access to the library.
did the watchtower really need to become an ngo with the u.n. to have a library card to the united nations?.
check this out, just received back by a sister via email:.
Much appreciated, isp. Thanks!