Go to the following UN page at http://www.un.org/MoreInfo/ngolink/ngodir.htm and look behind the link ''NGOs listed alphabetically'' and scroll to W... there it is.
This is the noise that keeps me awake
My head explodes
And my body aches
above is the list of ngo's registered with the un as per the un website.. the society are not on the list, are they or arn't they ngo?
if they are then why are they not on the list.. answers on a postcard please!!.
Go to the following UN page at http://www.un.org/MoreInfo/ngolink/ngodir.htm and look behind the link ''NGOs listed alphabetically'' and scroll to W... there it is.
This is the noise that keeps me awake
My head explodes
And my body aches
when i was df, i actually wanted to return which isn't suprising when you look at their brain washing: * http://www.escapefromwatchtower.com/mind.html.
i think it took me a couple of years to fully get over it and now the scripture "like a dog returning to it's vomit" comes to mind.. i gather some people here came to their senses while still in the org.
did anyone actually find it easy to leave?.
I DA'd myself. It's a year now from the day the final process of my leaving becan. In January this year I sent my DA letter and was out of the JW's after seven years of involvement. In my case it was relatively easy to leave, just as MrMoe hinted, because none of my parents or relatives is a JW nor has ever been. On top of that I'm single and I didn't manage to bring anybody in the so called truth and I also had many stable friendships outside the Borg. I'm already on my feets and am helping others to survive after the JWism. It seems that my conversion to JW religion was a very superficial one after all and that's why I didn't take very long to shrug it off. Thank God.
i have classified the books by furuli and stafford to the same pile as a. h. mcmillan's book faith on the march.
it's just one way in their trying to have an influence on those people who can't be reached by the ordinary forms of witnessing or to whom the wt literature don't appeal to.
it's sad the wts has to use these kinds of pseudo-scholarly writers or pseudo-objective methods in their trying to advance their interests.
Thanks Alan. You seem to understand my point. The both men behind their books may be well educated, as Mr. Furuli is, and they can be considered as scholars in their research fields. I dont deny that. But why on earth they must hide the fact from their audiences that they also are JW's? It's beyond my comprehension. It would be honest from their part to openly confess that they are JW's. Their view cant be taken scientifically objective what it comes to JWism. Why they must try to give an false impression to their readers that they are outside researchers interested in the JW's? Well, that's the reason I classify them ''pseudo-scholars'' what it comes to a religion called Jehovah's Witnesses.
In the case of Jonsson I dont believe he's right in everything as I dont believe that the JW's are wrong in everything. There's too much dogmatism on the both sides.
i have classified the books by furuli and stafford to the same pile as a. h. mcmillan's book faith on the march.
it's just one way in their trying to have an influence on those people who can't be reached by the ordinary forms of witnessing or to whom the wt literature don't appeal to.
it's sad the wts has to use these kinds of pseudo-scholarly writers or pseudo-objective methods in their trying to advance their interests.
I have classified the books by Furuli and Stafford to the same pile as A. H. McMillan's book Faith on the March. It's just one way in their trying to have an influence on those people who can't be reached by the ordinary forms of witnessing or to whom the WT literature don't appeal to. It's sad the WTS has to use these kinds of pseudo-scholarly writers or pseudo-objective methods in their trying to advance their interests. Especially that book of Furuli shows that C.-O. Jonsson's has caused the WTS a lot of trouble.
This is the noise that keeps me awake
My head explodes
And my body aches
with all the problems in the 'truth' and all the things that we know are wrong with it there seems to be aspects of their theology (i.e the sequences of the world powers, statue in daniel, the promise of world restoration again found in daniel) that to me still make sense.
although i cannot follow a religion that believes in the destruction of all humanity barring those that respond to their own preaching work i still believe in a creator and cannot accept the teachings of other religions that have no purpose for the earth and believe that mankinds only destiny is in heaven.
my mind keeps telling me that if god was behind a religion it would be so much better than that of the jws.
Where should we go after having left the JW's? Nowhere is my answer. If we have come to God through Jesus and are already in his flock SPRITUALLY speaking, we are where we should, to my mind. To me it is not important in which religious group or church we belong to but what we truly are as persons. I think there is no only chosen religion or group of people. In fact God doesnt need any manmade institutions nor organisations or whatever because He has his word the Bible and the holy spirit. With the help of these He can prompt anyone to do his will. Besides, Jesus spoke about his congregation as a SPIRITUAL one without the limitations of the organised religion. The most important goal of a christian is to become a discreet and faithful slave to our Lord. Of course who is to be found a DFS can only be known after the death of that kind of person. I think that it is ultimately Jesus' job to decide who is a DFS and who is not. This doesnt have to mean that everybody must go to heaven. This planet will be populated by those people who didnt for some reason accept or were not given the heavenly call. But who these people exactly are is something that only God can decide. It is still possible that God gives to some of us preknowledge of our destination, but if He hasnt He may do it in a later time. Meanwhile we must try to live according to the Bible the best way we can and build our relationship with God through Jesus by using the Bible and by asking the guidance of the holy spirit. Just try to rely on God, not manmade religious systems or organisations or churches even though you can attend to any of then for a spiritual companionship or support or whatever reason there might be. Do not despair. Rely on God. He will show you your way.
Wellcome, it's nice to have you here! Yes, i've read the book and it was a real eye-opener to the facts how the GB actually works. For example they have 2/3 majority voting rule which means that their decisions don't have to be unanimous they claim in the Watchtower. I recommend the book warmly everyone interested in the JW's.
This is the noise that keeps me awake
My head explodes
And my body aches
i found very interesting site from which there are links to the books of the ''old light''.
the address is http://www.geocities.com/athens/thebes/5606/catalog.htm.. have a nice explorative moments.. l.
I found very interesting site from which there are links to the books of the ''old light''. The address is http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/5606/Catalog.htm.
Have a nice explorative moments.
The address to the H2O is http://www.aimoo.com/forum/freeboard.cfm?id=311102.
some days ago i asked you if someone wrote to prof j. buduhn who is quoted in the watchtower 1 february 1998, p. 32. here's what i received from him.
as every translation does.
jesus one can say "my god.
Good thoughts, you all. I have not personally had any particular problems with the NWT and this applies even now when Im an ex-JW. The NWT has its good sides and bad sides. Generally speaking it is an okay translation but it shouldnt be used alone. The best view of the Bible can be obtained by reading many different translations. Every translation has its merits and none of the translators are without some kind of religious biases. The reason why the WTS has not revealed the members of the NWT translation committee is that by doing it that way it creates an aura of the divine quidance of the translation team and makes it easier to be held as a superior or almost divine revelation even though it is in fact a human work of translation.
have any out there read the books 1984 and animal farm?
also have any watched the movies of the same same?.
or do those two stories strike a very familiar bell?
Thanks. A nice humorous song ;-)) ... Btw, Michael Palin is a good comedian and a good traveller. Seen his travels on BBCWorld.