JoinedPosts by Anonymous1
Paul Grundy being interviewed on ABC 612 right now
by Anonymous1 in
Governing Body member is in Australia right now!
by Anonymous1 insorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
Thank you everyone for your help and providing questions. Alison has access to all of them.
She got through to Geoffrey's mother but she was told he wouldn't answer or do any interviews - as was to be expected from the GB as we now know. Cowards! She said she hasn't given up and will keep pursuing this for us.
At least he knows we all know where he is now and the pressure is on.. he can't hide from the media. If they want to go after him as they have his address, phone number and when and where the meetings are he is going to in Toowoomba :)
This article was written about yesterday as well:
Does someone have a scan of this article they could put up for Alison from the ABC?
The Watchtower magazine, September 15, 1989
Elders—Treat God’s Flock With Tenderness!
You can PM me it to me if you like. I'll be in touch with her right at the end of these proceedings today and would love to give it to her.
Governing Body member is in Australia right now!
by Anonymous1 insorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
Another reporter has made contact.
Even though they most likely will not get to interview him personally, I would love for a news report to be written that one of the 7 leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses is in Australia right now. Someone that has the power to change these policies but he is refusing to come forward. Coward!
I understand this is a hard time for him and morally it feels wrong to get him involved at the moment. But, when you compare that to the 1000+ victims in Australia out of 65,000 witnesses in Australia and potential 100,000+ based on 8,000,000 worldwide, and think about their pain and suffering because of policies that he has the power to change... that puts this moral issue into proper perspective.
Governing Body member is in Australia right now!
by Anonymous1 insorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
Yes they did nonjwspouse. They have his address where he is staying now too.
Lying sacks of sh*t saying he has no input on changing these policies!!!
Governing Body member is in Australia right now!
by Anonymous1 insorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
Another question:
How is it that elders that are "just following direction from the Branch" with these criminal cases are any different from the Nazi SS officers that were just following direction in WW2?
Governing Body member is in Australia right now!
by Anonymous1 insorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
They just said that Geoff Jackson has no control to change these policies... who of the top leaders does then??? -
Governing Body member is in Australia right now!
by Anonymous1 insorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
Why don't you allow parents to sit in on the judicial committee for their under age kids?
Why do the abused victims have to confront their abuser and with 3 other men?
Governing Body member is in Australia right now!
by Anonymous1 insorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
I'll start:
Did you make that video on last month saying that any child abuse stories were from apostates because you knew this was coming?
Why do you stick to the 2 witness rule from Deuteronomy 19:15 when the same book of the bible in Deuteronomy 22:28, 29 it says that a woman that was raped has to marry her rapist and you don't follow that?
Come on guys this is important!
Governing Body member is in Australia right now!
by Anonymous1 insorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
Everyone, I just spoke with Alison. She's lovely and really wants to help us.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can we come up with some questions for her to ask Geoff Jackson if she gets to talk with him.
I'm a bit emotional at the moment to do this all on my own.