Ok, I don't post as much as all of you on this board but I know a lot of you pretty well and have followed this and a LOT of other threads on here. I thought I would pop in and give my two cents on this... but I am not going to argue with anyone because I firmly believe we all have our own way of thinking and we shouldn't need to have others agree with us to know who we are and what is right for us.
With that in mind... I personally was molested by a cousin who molested others that I know of. The problem is there was never two witnesses, and if there was, the second witness was a conspirator and wouldn't come forward. My aunt and 2 cousins were raped by one of my uncles who is STILL and elder and I can only imagine that in the 10 years I have been out of contact with them there are more things that could have happened. My aunt and the two others came forward about him but because there were never two witnesses he is still an elder.
I know some say that there may be some people who are accused wrongly, but I personally would rather have it all realeased if it protects even one person from going through what I went through and what my family members went through. The worst that can happen for someone falsely accused is they have to prove they didn't do it, and they get to move on with their lives. (Yes they may have to move to a different city etc, but hell that is a SMALL price to pay to protect somone who WAS molested)
I would rather be accused falsely in a group with people and then have to clear my name if even ONE of the other people I was accused with was currently molesting small children. It would be worth it to me as a human being with a consience and love of others to inconvience myself and/or my children to protect someone else.
That's my 2 cents... take it for what you will.