Generally speaking, during Russell's time, congregations were basically autonomous, i.e. electing their own bodies of elders, ministerial servants and the such. Control from Bethel was minimal, and was usually guided around the Watchtower magazine and Russell's own published writings (books). Today's Bible Students, i.e. Associated, International etc..., continue this tradition of autonomy based on Russell's writings.
Rutherford, on the other hand, systematically reversed this autonomous system, changing it into a highly controlling one, all orchestrated from Brooklyn Bethel. Entire Bodies of Elders were removed and replaced by elders appointed by Bethel's "gulag". Needless to say, this type of intrusive high-handedness was rejected by many of the Bible Students and droves of them formally separated themselves from the WT Org.
NOTE: William J. Schnell's book, "30 Years a Watchtower Slave", delves into this historical development in great detail which features the German congregations and the local Branch office as the 'test case', circa the 20's/30's era. A fascinating read!
Since the early 1960's (when I began to associate with the WT org), the Society has "turned the ratchet" to progressively increase and demand the congregation's absolute allegiance to the "Mother Org" and, more specifically in recent times, to its Governing Body. This 'loyalty' to the Org, enforced by threats of punitive judicial actions, including DF'ing typically resulting in separation from family members, creates fear and paranoia within congregation members. Constructive criticism or questioning of WT policies and/or teachings are not tolerated leading to an Orwellian state of affairs.
So, yes, things have definitely changed, from bad to worse!