The Apostasy Within

by Ultimate Axiom 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    In the latest Watchtower (July 15, 2014, page 14, paragraph 10) it says; Today, Jehovah’s people are not often confronted with apostasy within the congregation. Still, when exposed to unscriptural teachings, regardless of the source, we must decisively reject them.”

    So, ‘not often’, but occasionally JWs are exposed to apostasy within the congregation, and they are instructed to decisively reject it. As we all know, the vast majority of the apostasy they are exposed to comes from the Governing Body.

    I am meeting up soon with an old friend from the 1970s who I haven’t seen for decades, who is still an active JW, and who would really like to “hear what I think about things”. He is a really nice guy and a reasonably free thinking Dub and always likes to go off on tangents exploring all sorts of strange ideas, which incidentally could bring him into trouble with paragraph 9 of that Watchtower about ‘controversial ideas’, but that’s another matter.

    I am collecting as many examples of ‘unscriptural’ teachings from the GB that I can find so I can ask him if he has decisively rejected them.

    The most obvious to me being the two groups of overlapping anointed Christians to explain Mathew 24:34. Other examples would be the unquestioning obedience they must give to the GB and the baptising of children.

    What do you guys think? What are your favourite examples of unscriptural teachings that have come from the GB?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Oh dear, there are so many. The mediator issue comes to mind in Tim 2:5. has zillions of examples and resources.

  • KateWild

    The teaching that springs to mind for me is the reinstatement process. This is close to my heart and helped me learn TTATT. This unscriptural teaching causes much harm, pain and even suicide to many JWs that have beed DF'd.

    The recommendations in the elders "Flock book" are a direct contradiction of what Jesus taught at Luke 15: 11-24 about the Prodigal Son.

    Kate xx

  • wasblind

    Hopefully your friend will bring his Tablet/Notebook thingy

    so you can show him from the WTS own site the things you point out

    If not. Bring yours




    "( There the eating of blood is equated with idolitry and fornication, things we should not want to engage in "_____Reasoning book page 71


    " Similarly, any food to which whole blood or even some blood fraction has been added should not be eaten " ___Reasoning book page 71



    " Such fractions---the Bible does not comment on these "_____Awake August 2006 page 12, " BLOOD WHY SO VALUABLE ? "



    If the Bible made no comment on this, then whose idea was it ?

    A group fo men called the Governing Body

    That's who



  • DuvanMuvan

    the reasoning book isnt on the website because it's full of "old light" and the people they pester into looking at the website might actually realise how stupid the religion is before they dedicate themselves to it

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Also, if blood fraction is ok, does that mean fractions of the other things in that scripture ok? What fractions of fornication and idolatry are ok?

    I reckon if you put these contradictions to your friend as questions you will have a better chance of reaching him: The bible says x, so why does the wt teach y and z?

  • wasblind

    Hello Duvan

    have they stopped usin' the Reasoning book in the TMS ?



    EDIT :

    The Reasoning book is still on the website of the WTS

    It's well hid, but it's there



    Click the online library and key in Blood


  • DuvanMuvan

    no i was wrong it's on the online library and yeah they still use it in the TMS

  • Kitledge

    Oh my! Where does one begin?..... Here's a few more:

    1. blood issue, i.e. prohibiting transfusions while allowing the use of blood factions

    2. extreme shunning, even by other JW family members, when DF'd or DA'd

    3. formal door-to-door preaching work, i.e. free home "Bible" studies as a guise for studies of WT literature.

    4. 607 BC to 1914 CE interpretation (Book of Daniel)

    5. Faithful & Discreet Slave teaching:

    greater reverence for GB than for Jesus Christ

    absolute, unquestioning allegiance to WT doctrines/teachings, regardless of whether right or wrong

    no salvation outside the WT/GB

    These unscriptural teachings and many others are the product, not of the Holy Spirit, but entirely the product of humanism & legalism. It took 23+ years of serving the interests of the ORG to finally realize that fact....

  • wasblind

    As you already know, Jehovah's Witnesses shun the Cross like a Vampire

    " Would you make a replica of the instrument of execution ? Would you cherish it , or would you rather shun it ? "___Reasoning book page 92


    " So by cherishing the cross, a person is honoring a symbol of worsip that is opposed to the true God "____Reasoning book page 92



    The Bible states:

    PHILLIPIANS 3: 18 " For there are many, I used to mention them often but now I mention them also with weeping, who are walking as the enemies of the torture stake of the Christ ."___NWT Bible



    Jehovah's Witnesses fit that bill


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