forum offers the stories of folks with as many variations as there are folks
and a “great crowd” of lurkers whose stories may never be offered. I am an
outsider with a broken heart for some insiders that I love more than they know.
After reading nearly every “apostate” book ever written, lurking, being worn
out searching the WT CD, I have come to an idea that I present for your
so you know where I am coming from, I accept the simple gospel as told in 1
Corinthians 15:1-4 in that I receive, stand on, am saved by the death, burial
and resurrection of Jesus. The good news by definition is the invitation to
personally accept the person and work of Jesus. The Watchtower says:
*** w 90 8/1 p.
24 The Romans Get the Best of News ***
The Law was perfect. The problem was that imperfect
people could not obey the Law. “We know that the Law is spiritual,” wrote Paul,
“but I am fleshly, sold under sin.” An imperfect human cannot keep God’s
perfect Law and so is condemned by it. How wonderful, then, that “those in
union with Christ Jesus have no condemnation”! Anointed Christians have been adopted by spirit to
be God’s sons. Jehovah’s spirit helps them to wrestle with the imperfections of
the flesh. “Who will file accusation against God’s chosen ones? God is the One
who declares them righteous.” (Romans 7:14; 8:1, 33) Nothing can separate them
from God’s love.
don’t see a single character in any word in this paragraph to disagree with. I
have never set foot in a Kingdom hall, never had a “Bible study” and this
paragraph has my belief to a T. But, there is no such thing as an un-anointed
Christian. Saying some Christians are anointed is like saying some triangles
have three sides.
*** it-1 p. 212 Atonement ***
Justice satisfied by
propitiation. Still,
justice required satisfaction. Man, though created perfect, fell from that
state through sin and thus Adam and his offspring came under God’s
condemnation. Justice and fidelity to principles of righteousness necessitated
that God execute the sentence of his law against disobedient Adam. But love
moved God to purpose a substitutional arrangement
whereby justice would be satisfied, and yet without any violation of justice,
repentant offspring of sinner Adam could be forgiven and could achieve peace
with God. (Col 1:19-23) Therefore, Jehovah “sent forth his Son as a
propitiatory sacrifice for our sins.” (1Jo 4:10; Heb 2:17) Propitiation is that
which makes propitious, or favorable. Jesus’ propitiatory sacrifice removes the
reason for God to condemn a human creature and makes possible the extending to
him of God’s favor and mercy. This propitiation removes the charge of sin and
the resulting condemnation to death in the case of spiritual Israel
and all others availing themselves of it.—1Jo
2:1, 2; Ro 6:23.
idea of substitution is prominent in certain Biblical texts relating to
atonement. For instance, Paul observed that “Christ died for our sins according
to the Scriptures” (1Co 15:3), and that “Christ by purchase released us from
the curse of the Law by becoming a curse instead of us [Jews], because
it is written: ‘Accursed is every man hanged upon a stake.’”
(Ga 3:13; De
21:23) Peter commented: “He himself bore our sins in his own body upon
the stake, in order that we might be done with sins and live to righteousness.
And ‘by his stripes you were healed.’” (1Pe 2:24; Isa 53:5) Peter also wrote:
“Christ died once for all time concerning sins, a righteous person for
unrighteous ones, that he might lead you to God.”—1Pe 3:18.
this is the gospel as plain as can be. Except there is a problem with one
little clause. “all others availing themselves of it”
do people avail themselves of it? Well these “all others” cannot get the
atonement directly from Jesus because
w72 9/1 p. 520 A Death That Brings Gain ***
they are not counted as ‘impaled with Christ’
w51 11/15 p. 685 par. 35 Baptism for Salvation and Fire Baptism ***
They are not baptized into Christ’s death
*** w68 7/1 p. 406 par. 16 Part 2—Empowering a Priesthood for Effectual
Service ***
after his entry into the heavens, and after he was authorized by the
heavenly Father to turn his attention again to the earth, he did send forth
from his heavenly throne many more blessings of life-giving knowledge and
understanding, first to his body of priests yet on earth, and then through them to the “other
sheep,” a great crowd of whom are now joining in pure worship of the Most
High.—John 10:16 So
*** w83 8/15 p. 23 par. 14 United Fruit Bearers ***
While the “other sheep” are not branches of the Abrahamic-covenant
“olive tree” or of “the true vine,” Christ Jesus, they must prove themselves to
be Christ’s disciples. Like all the anointed Christian “branches,” they must
“keep bearing much fruit.” This they do by producing Christlike qualities of
the new personality, including “the fruitage of the spirit.” (Galatians 5:22,
23; Matthew 28:19, 20; Colossians 3:5-14) But to be really fruitful they give
active expression to such qualities by
sharing in the work of preaching “this good news.” (Matthew 24:14) Just as the anointed “branches” of the “true vine” must remain
in union with Christ, the “other sheep” must remain in close union
with “the faithful and discreet slave,” Christ’s anointed “brothers.” Only thus can
they hope to ‘inherit the Kingdom prepared for them from the founding of the
world.’—Matthew 25:31-40.
Watchtower was printed in 1983. In
1983 the slave was all the 144,000. In 2016 the slave has been changed to just
the Governing body. Is that not a big deal? If they are wrong about their very
own identity maybe they are wrong about your identity. Maybe this is still true and
valid statement for you.
“I am the vine, you
are the branches. He that remains in union with me, and I in union with him,
this one bears much fruit; because apart from me you can do nothing at all.”
Consider how easy it is to see someone else’s
w56 5/15 p. 294 Is the Queenship
of Mary Scriptural? ***
The pope expressed firm confidence that through Mary “mankind
will little by little progress along this way of salvation and she will guide
the rulers of nations and the hearts of their peoples toward concord and
charity.”—Our Sunday Visitor, October 17, 1954
an outsider I see many reasons to never be an insider and I stand to be schooled
by people who post here as you have lived it. The people I love who are
insiders are actually living well. It is my observation that different
congregations / Elder bodies are as varied as the people who attend, much like
this forum. Not being qualified, I would not propose advise to anyone, however
is this not worth considering? Maybe the gospel Jesus preached is still true?
w67 12/15 p. 753 par. 1 What Now
Distinguishes the Good News to Be Preached
What vital thing has now been added to the good news of
the kingdom of God that Jesus Christ and his zealous apostles used to preach
nineteen hundred years ago?
job has me in my car where I listen to talk radio. I heard an interview with a
lady who was a holocaust survivor. During the interview she gave a description
like you would expect with her whole family starving to death leaving her a
young orphan. As the half hour was up and the music started she said wait I
need to say one more thing. “This is not who I am”. “This is just a bad thing
that happened to me”. She did not have time to elaborate but I turned the radio
off because I had just heard Wisdom. I repeat, if they don’t know who they are,
how the hell do they fancy they know who you are?
the gospel Jesus offered is still being offered. Maybe leaving the organization
is not the only option. The problem with families is they have people in them
and there is not a one size fits all situation but here is where I invite your
comment. If you have not rejected God, only the Watchtower version, what is wrong with simply accepting the gospel
Jesus offered and saying so.
Would you have to leave to do that? I have more
questions but that one for today.