In their own words. Baptism and communion picture the same reality.
*** Watchtower 1962 3/1 p. 142 par. 9 A Close and Precious Relationship ***
Jesus gave only two things of a symbolic nature to his followers, baptism and the Lord’s evening meal, but their observance does more harm than good if the realities pictured thereby have not actually occurred and are not still being carried out in heart and mind and course of action. Agree 100%
Picture reality
(Colossians 2:17) . . .Those things are a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ.
Whoever is qualified for baptism is qualifies for communion. However (there is often a however in Watchtower world)
*** Watchtower 1954 3/1 p. 138 The Meaning of Baptism Today *** Today?
Repeatedly the Scriptures speak of those who were baptized in apostolic times as receiving the holy spirit; Cornelius and his household received the holy spirit even before baptism. (Acts 2:38; 19:5, 6; 10:44-48) God’s will for those who then dedicated themselves to him was that they should become spiritual sons, and these were said to be “baptized into Christ’s body.”—Gal. 3:27; 1 John 3:2, NW. Because they were.
this baptism was limited to comparatively few,