I've been working on this one for a few weeks and it is FINALLY done.
Here's the description from the YouTube video:
Baptism is a risk! That's what the Watchtower of June 15, 2011 page 5 says. (This article can be found on the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses at JW.org) You may be surprised at such an admission, but it is there for all to see, and the ramifications of such a statement are chilling when analyzed. I thought it was worth breaking down and disassembling what this means in the light of critical thinking, something that is sorely lacking among most Jehovah's Witnesses unfortunately.
You may have noticed that the writers of JW.org and other Watchtower literature and policies are expert spin doctors at implying things without ever actually saying them. Propagandists, demagogues, and professional symbol manipulators excel at the art of implying something without ever coming out and actually saying it. Communist governments are especially good at spreading propaganda this way so as to exercise influence and control upon the people they rule over.
What is this risk they are hinting at? Most will know immediately... Watch the video to learn more!
Also see the accompanying article which contains screen grabs and an expanded discussion of this topic at the JWStruggle blog here: