It's an excellent example of going out and DOING something and seeing positive results in the short term.
Thanks Tracy and also thanks to WT-Free for the OP!
tracy metcalfe ex-jehovah's witness recovery group 3 on facebook.
started a letter writing campaign a few yrs ago to congregations.
It's an excellent example of going out and DOING something and seeing positive results in the short term.
Thanks Tracy and also thanks to WT-Free for the OP!
i found it important to be honest with my wife.
so i told her about my conscience decision that in a medical urgency i want blodless medicine but if a transfusion of blood or the 4 prohibited components is necessary to save my life or health i would accept it.
this would apply especially also for our child (that is not such a problem as in our country the wts recommends to comply with doctors as they have the right to decide concerning minors).. i showed her the reasons why i came to that conscience decision (biblical and logical reasons) and that jehovah and jesus do not like anyone to die because of this wrong bible application.. .
Daniel you are standing up for what you believe and it's incredibly brave. Those of us that have done this (and there are many) rarely regret the decision.
You have a PM!
dear friends,.
a few weeks i am thinking about what's going on with the religion we are focust on, jehovah's witnesses.. what i see is:.
- a rebranding of the religion's organization: just like rutherford rebranded the bible students into jehovah's witnesses,.
I agree Gorbie. Only a week ago I said something similar:
I have decided to start using "" interchangeably with Watchtower Organization, Watchtower Society, etc. for the simple reason that the WT is currently re-branding itself and phasing out the word "Watchtower" more and more. They are even putting up stores with "" on the side of them now. Not JW, not WT, but that.
Their letters are usually signed:
I predict that in the next five years the word "Watchtower" will not appear anywhere in their new writings, magazines, books, Kingdom Halls, etc.
before i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
BP2 said: "Our breakup was messy (and still is). I haven't seen my baby daughter for 2 years now."
Well I can relate to that. I fought like hell to get custody of my daughters during my divorce, and in the end my JW ex-wifey succeeded in limiting it to 30% custody by spending tens of thousands of dollars on a high-powered lawyer. But my heart soars when I do have them and it is the highlight of my week every time.
I can't imagine not being able to see them for two years... and am shaking I'm so mad that you have been separated from your little angel.
What can I do to help BluePill2? Tell me!
sheri sheppard spoke about this as a ex jw how it affects a person to be dfd,you feel like you loose your identity, its very difficult, i see my son struggling, i wish this practice can be done away with,so hurtful for everyone..
Here's a link- it's season 17 episode 57:
(The page says it will expire in 6 days)
sheri sheppard spoke about this as a ex jw how it affects a person to be dfd,you feel like you loose your identity, its very difficult, i see my son struggling, i wish this practice can be done away with,so hurtful for everyone..
Hopefully this clip from The View on the JW shunning can end up on YouTube.
before i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
Thanks for this bro. I am eager for more as the rest are.
it seems like lots of people have big dreams of 'destroying the watchtower'.
it's usually linked to a story of how they were wronged and want some revenge.
do these 'in your face' attempts to convince people that the truth isn't the truth really have an effect?.
Yeah Cedars to put yourself on Eric's category also is appalling!!!
You suck Cedars you are the scum of the earth!
(Only 28 minutes until I can delete/alter this hastily written pithy-festo...)
it seems like lots of people have big dreams of 'destroying the watchtower'.
it's usually linked to a story of how they were wronged and want some revenge.
do these 'in your face' attempts to convince people that the truth isn't the truth really have an effect?.
I have personally had many people (over a dozen easily) message me just in the last year of doing this and say that watching one of my YouTube videos and/or reading my blog helped them to come out of WT.
Notice the operative phrase is "helped them". It didn't work like some magic pill to deprogram them. As has been mentioned, a person has to be searching for answers, become a critical thinker, etc. But when people get near that tipping point and have the courage to type in a search on Google or YouTube then these resources may help them immensely.
I used to try and target asleep JWs with my stuff but not anymore. I would rather focus on ones that are fading and contemplating leaving the movement, ie, ones that want help to escape WT. Here's a recent example of a some that were helped by watching these videos from my friend Shyla:
i've been working on this one for a few weeks and it is finally done..
here's the description from the youtube video:.
baptism is a risk!
Not everything in life is meant to be taken literally- that's all I've been trying to get across. If you like the video, great.
If you don't then... you don't.