The statement alone is condecending to their rank and file. Since no one understands what they say they make believe that the rank and file are stupid. Yes, definitely bait and switch.
JoinedPosts by anezthy
Today's text 22 April 2011 Stay thick!!
by punkofnice ini saw todays text(tm) and it was obvious bait and switch!.
it was banging on about listening to the holy spirit (a good thing if you believe in it), and then they used these sickifying words:.
''we do not need extensive formal education in order to comprehend deep spiritual truths that have been published.''.
If assholes could fly,the witchtower would be an airport!
by witchtowerwitch inhello folks,,,,,,,,please join me in the exposure of the corruption and lies of this cult!.
I do my best. Just say'n....
Which way would you run?
by usualusername in
which way would you run?.
This is awesome. A great idea to liven up the Service Meeting.
Life is in the blood?
by sinis inhowever, at conception (life) blood is not present until much later as the fetus developes.
blood is an organ.
now if "life" starts without blood, then is life really in blood?.
@thetrueone... our thoughts were very similar and I am with you on the "blood flowing from sacrifices" theory. I was also thinking that since the ancient ones were so warfaring, during battle the first thing to flow from a human was blood after a strike from a foe, bloods flows, the warrior loses strength, collapses and maybe dies. Thus blood becomes sacred and becomes Mystical. Another poster thought me the mystical theory. If it was a "God" thing to make blood sacred, why not also the heart, liver, pancreas, things which humans could not live without? They had no knowledge of these body parts and their importance to continued living. Guess the light needed to get brighter.
World Powers according to WTBT$
by anezthy inif i remember correctly (it's been a while for me) from what i learned during my years in the wtbt$, the world powers were/are:.
egypt, assyria, babylonian, medo/persian, greece, rome, united states/united kingdom.
this scenario fits the statue of different elements from gold to clay.
seventy years in exile? In the year 70 Jerusalem was destroyed? 1970+5? Gee it pop's up in many places.
World Powers according to WTBT$
by anezthy inif i remember correctly (it's been a while for me) from what i learned during my years in the wtbt$, the world powers were/are:.
egypt, assyria, babylonian, medo/persian, greece, rome, united states/united kingdom.
this scenario fits the statue of different elements from gold to clay.
@tootired2care... Great research and awesomely explained. Thank you!
World Powers according to WTBT$
by anezthy inif i remember correctly (it's been a while for me) from what i learned during my years in the wtbt$, the world powers were/are:.
egypt, assyria, babylonian, medo/persian, greece, rome, united states/united kingdom.
this scenario fits the statue of different elements from gold to clay.
@botr... another great point. American based religion see's history through American eyes. Very, very good point. Whatever God's gender is.... Just keep being God.
World Powers according to WTBT$
by anezthy inif i remember correctly (it's been a while for me) from what i learned during my years in the wtbt$, the world powers were/are:.
egypt, assyria, babylonian, medo/persian, greece, rome, united states/united kingdom.
this scenario fits the statue of different elements from gold to clay.
@thetrueone.... Great point. Never thought of it as just Mystical Stories. Thanks for your help!
World Powers according to WTBT$
by anezthy inif i remember correctly (it's been a while for me) from what i learned during my years in the wtbt$, the world powers were/are:.
egypt, assyria, babylonian, medo/persian, greece, rome, united states/united kingdom.
this scenario fits the statue of different elements from gold to clay.
@tootired2care... I have come to the conclusion the the Watchtower org is just a business disguised as a religion. The "$" is just being sarcastic on my part as for many other posters here. Do you have any info on the World Power question?
World Powers according to WTBT$
by anezthy inif i remember correctly (it's been a while for me) from what i learned during my years in the wtbt$, the world powers were/are:.
egypt, assyria, babylonian, medo/persian, greece, rome, united states/united kingdom.
this scenario fits the statue of different elements from gold to clay.
@wha happened... that's the explanation that I received whenever I questioned this teaching. By "God's people"... was it refering to the Jewish people or to Christianty in general? Thanks for helping!