However, at conception (life) blood is not present until much later as the fetus developes. Blood is an organ. Now if "life" starts WITHOUT blood, then is life really IN blood?
Life is in the blood?
by sinis 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
wha happened?
Life starts when the children move out and the dog dies
The ancient Hebrews most likely thought life was in blood because whenever an animal or human was slaughtered, there was a profusion
of blood draining out and life seemingly stopped. They did not know of what purpose blood held in its biological function, from that point on blood
became sacred to the Hebrews and the rest is history.
However, at conception (life) blood is not present until much later as the fetus developes. Blood is an organ. Now if "life" starts WITHOUT blood, then is life really IN blood?
Very, very good point, sinis. I can't think of a useful comment, though. I do think you've made a really sensible point that never occurred to me.
wha happened?
I don't think this was ever meant to establish a medical opinon. It's just a symbol of life
I wonder what the WTS would say, especially with regards to abortion - morning after pill, etc?
wha happened?
uh last I checked, they are against abortion.
Anybody with me on my theory of why blood became scared ?
Lest not forget the common blood sacrifices of that civilization as well others.
I know that, but why? They say that blood = life, a simple celled zygote has no blood, thus has no life...
I have heard the blood as to what you can take and can't take explained using the Ham sandwich as a guide to show that you can eat all parts of a ham sandwich, just not all of them together. Where as you can take into your body all fractions of blood, just not at once.
Is this true according to WTTS policy? I had heard that you cannot take platelets but am not sure at this point.
I would like to use the Ham sandwich explanation but do not want to be caught off guard.