I've now learned that the vast majority of people who are Atheist or promote the evolution theory are people who had bad experiences with religion. These would be people who've been ex-communicated by friends or family members (shunning), molested or abused by a clergy member, a victim of religious violence such as Islamic terrorism, or religious hatred such as what a homosexual receives.
I've experienced none of the above. Sure, the occasional confrontation or overzealous witness, but nothing particularly nasty. No, I left the religion of my youth not due to any 'bad experience', but due to the lack of consistency in the religion itself. And one of the worst offenders was the How Did We Get Here - By Evolution or Creation book. As I began to learn real science, I realized how many flaws this publication had.
You begin your post with some fallacious 'evidence' for intelligent design (which has been successfully debunked by other posters above). Then your post devolves into an ad hominem attack against those who accept the evidence for evolution, suggesting that their motives are based off of emotion.
I'll let you in on something: On some level I still 'believe' that there is some higher power. Not necessarily the God of the Bible, but something. I have the intellectual honesty to admit that this belief is based off of emotion rather than logic.
On the other hand, my acceptance of evolution is entirely based off of logic. At first, it seemed counter-intuitive and contradicted everything I was raised to believe. But as I read and discovered all of the evidence supporting it, I could not deny it any longer.
I encourage you to read up on evolution, a good place to start would be the book Why Evolution is True. Another good book is The Counter-Creationism Handbook which counters fallacious arguments by creationists, including the Watchtower's publication.