JoinedPosts by kramer
The value of starting a new topic
by smiddy ini see some members , who have been on this board for many ,many years , who very seldom posted a topic for discussion..i would like to encourage everyone in this situation to re-think there reasons for not starting a subject for discussion.. sometimes after the event , i have thought to myself why did you start that topic ,stupid, however on reading the replies to that said topic , i have learnt a helluva lot more in having done so .in other words i learn a great deal more from the feedback i get from you guys than the question or statement i post.. you might think your question or statement is irrelevant , however to somebody else on this board it may just be the thing they are looking for to help them get through some issue of there own .. so please don`t hold back from posting a subject dear to your heart , or anywhere else .. just saying .
Are you counselling us to answer up more brother ? :) -
Singapore slashes publication bans, but not for Jehovah's Witnesses
by Tenacious insingapore (reuters) - strait-laced singapore has slashed the number of publications it bans to 17 from a previous 257, allowing some communist and adult topics, but kept a prohibition on jehovah's witnesses publications.. adult magazines such as playboy, penthouse and hustler remain banned, as are publications by the jehovah's witnesses church produced by its watch tower bible and tract society and the international bible students association.. the church's publications sit in the banned list alongside "hardcore pornographic publications" that "depict female models in sexually suggestive poses and their genitals", the government agency said.. singapore deregistered the jehovahs witnesses and banned its publications in 1972 because the church objects to serving national service in the military or singing national anthems..
What did you read in that article that lead you to believe that the Singapore government is ok with printed pornography? -
Sorrry if a repeat
by careful inthoughts?.
the quotation from the 1974 km is good..
One if the themes or questions that makes apostates look silly -
Asking to reduce the local Bethel family: a know management strategy
by Gorbatchov ingorby has worked in some management positions and is now an management advisor for a > 20.000 employee corporation.. once in the five years we have reorganizations, integrations and restructures.. one of the used strategy's is to ask the people the following question:.
"if you had to reduce 50% of your work, what priority's would you choose?".
so, we ask our employee feedback for a 50% reduce of their work.
really? you ask employees how to reduce 50% of the work force? what sort of stupid management would do that, maybe to a select group of people in a workshop setting to kick around options, and every five years the firm you claim to advise reduces the work force by 30%??? this is nonsense, almost as nonsense as the post you made the other day about your 'non-witness insider' professor, with special access to the financials of the watchtower - dream on
red flag to a bull those carts can't resist !
by possum inwent to a market yesterday and there it was a cart manned by a middle-aged women and a young one.
in a really respectful, friendly manner i approached them and enquired if watchtower society had done anything about its "two witness policy" post royal commission.
knew nothing of 2 witness rule.
Yeah, well done Possum... You really don't have a clue do you? -
Have they announced the new meeting arrangement yet?
by JimmyPage ini was thinking it will be at the midweek meeting and not today.
is that correct?
Yes, it's official. All mid week meetings are now in fancy dress. But brothers and sisters should use their bible trained consciences when selecting their attire, so brothers or sisters thinking of cross dressing or carrying weapons as part of their costume would need to think about what sort of witness this would give to people in the world. -
My Mother Died Two Weeks Ago
by Perry innone of my jehovah's witness relatives called to tell me or my family.
just found out this morning.
How did you find out? -
Annulment of baptism for a minor?
by Tornintwo ini've seen references to baptism annulment on a few websites, does anyone know if there has ever been a successful annulment of a baptism?.
a minor claims they didn't understand a key wtbts teaching prior to baptism, is there any realistic chance of annulment?
The concept of an annulment is ridiculous, if 20 years ago you verbally agreed to dedicate your life to the creator and the W&BTS , but now have changed your mind, so what, what's the point of asking the organisation for permission to change your mind and ask for their grace to agree an annulment?? -
by Gorbatchov inwe, the guardians of doctrine, are not dogmatic.
just obey!
100 years of kingdom rule is a fact!.
Thank you brother , that was a very helpful and illuminating post -
How to Read Financial Statements
by JeffT ini just put an entry on my blog.
thought it might be useful in all the discussions about money.
feel free to post questions or comments either here or on my blog..
Thanks for that very simple explanation,
i can't believe that they won't publish worldwide consolidated accounts I wonder what the charity's reason for not doing this is?