None of my Jehovah's Witness relatives called to tell me or my family. Just found out this morning.
My Mother Died Two Weeks Ago
by Perry 138 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry to hear about your loss.
That's incredibly heartless, even for them.
Oh damn! Thats brutal. Im really very sorry perry. My Condolences -
How did you find out? -
I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother and the hurtfulness of those who didn't let you know. My thoughts are with you.
Very sorry to hear that Perry.
Really horrible that nobody told you.
troubled mind
Perry , i am so very sorry .....That is such a heartless cold thing to do to you ,and your family . You Have my Deepest sympathy . -
Perry, Sorry for the loss of your mother. -
Perry, that is a horrific thing for them to do and completely against even JW teachings.
I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what you're going through. Please know that my thoughts are with you even though I've never met you.
So sorry to read of your loss and your family lack of communications.