Thanks for that very simple explanation,
i can't believe that they won't publish worldwide consolidated accounts I wonder what the charity's reason for not doing this is?
i just put an entry on my blog.
thought it might be useful in all the discussions about money.
feel free to post questions or comments either here or on my blog..
Thanks for that very simple explanation,
i can't believe that they won't publish worldwide consolidated accounts I wonder what the charity's reason for not doing this is?
there has been many threads from various posters around the world about recent bethel layoffs.. so far i remember threads about:.
south africa.
united states.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
"Since the WT has taken over EVERYTHING, "
Not sure what you mean by this, " the WT' hasn't taken over anything, congregations are still independent charities, whose assets are still governed by the local members of the charity, the WT owns nothing, in the UK anyway. But it could be argued they are better placed to transfer ownership to other charities with similar objects - such as a centralised worldwide charity with very similar objects - Like - WT-USA. But this is really not a simple matter.
i've been thinking, "what if it does fail and there is a mass exodus?".
i have been wronged and damaged greatly by these ones.
every one needs to handle this situation in his or her own way, but as for me if it does happen, i will meet them with open arms.
you think there will be a mass exodus??? 0% growth is the best you can hope for, otherwise its 1-2% for the next 10 years at least
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
7/15/2010 wt says"in more recent times opposers of true worship similarly used the threat of isolation in an effort to put fear in the hearts of true christians.
sounds a lot like shunning.
wow lepers could at least cry out unclean unclean
the evidence exhibits in the royal commission comprise in parts of things like the branch manual.
in australia, would these now be matters of public record?
if so is it possible to get hold of them?
i ask because my gf, who knows all about my jw upbringing, convinced me to grow a goatee, just to see how it looks.
we both decided it looked good so i decided to keep it.
i tried to explain to her that as a jw, i wasn't allowed to grow one, but then drew a blank when she asked me why.