Evidently (sic!) the talk about next year's year text (which is a permanent feature (!) of the Annual Meeting) was delivered by Samuel Herd as a prerecorded talk and is already online (as well as the January study edition of the Watchtower, which traditionally (?) contains the corresponding study article). In the last years the Annual Meeting was featured in the January JW Broadcasting. My guess is, it was held via videoconference in a very small circle and the rest of it will be posted in January, when all the talks have beeb translated, simutaneously in all the languages. Any news (changes, publications -- if there are any) will be communicated at that latter date.
JoinedPosts by LoyalLeon
My old Congregation is now a book study group of old people!
by Witness 007 inso i was in a yugoslav ethnic congregation of about 200 people in australia we had alot of refugee witnesses come in from the balkans war.
in the late 1990's we were thriving!
today the young ones have all left "the truth.
after more than 40 years of activity the local Yugoslav congregation has finally gained group status again
Gorby has to admit
by Gorbatchov infor the first time in my life, i have to admit that the world is rapidly deteriorating.
first i saw a decline in democracy worldwide.
elections were a tough battle every time, unfair too.
@Gorbachov I don't get it
here in Central Europe I feel as safe as never before, and "The End"TM is as far off as never before
there have been so many 'critical times' before and this is hardly the worst
I only wonder, why the praching activity has allowed to be dimmed out like this, no more urgency at all..
no idea how they wonna rekindle that, but perhaps all those baptized in CoolAid will simply run as the locusts* again, as soon as they are permitted to do so
locusts according to Revelation, not according to Joel... as broher spain exsplaned..
2020-May-16-S-147-E--Announcement in English and Spanish!
by Atlantis inif you are on the email list these letters are already in your refrigerator.. 2 letters arrived, the same letter in english and spanish.. 2020-may-16, s-147-e announcementif you are not on the email list, reply below if you want the link put in your pm box.petra!
Thanks for the delivery, but please note, this is NOT the S-147
The S-147 is the monthly announcement dated "May 2020" for example
Dated Announcements replace letters; without letterhead it is a little more difficult to know which branch provides these; as the curent "Announcement" is provided it could be either from the US or Spain branch, as no country indicator (like Us or Es) is given (just 5/16/20-E)
Thanks for the fresh food anyway
LL -
Kermit Is Delivering Documents!
by Atlantis inkermit is delivering documents with his kermit chopper.. https://docdro.id/a01tdj0.
if you are on the receive list these documents are already in your email.. .
if your not on the list, then reply below that you want kermit to swing by your place, and drop off a copy in your pm box.. .
looking forward to a visit by Kermit
US Letter Read Sunday 4/26 at Meeting - No KH Use and No Field Service Indefinitely
by JWTom inthere was a letter read sunday at our meeting that mentioned some parts of us are starting to open back up.
however, regardless of things opening up that no kingdom halls should be used for any meetings of any kind.
also, no door-to-door ministry or any form of in-person ministry is allowed.
Similar Announcement (for elders only) in Central Europe
April 29, 2020
1. Resumption of Field Service and Congregation Meetings: Although the authorities
in many places are already relaxing some of the restrictions related to the
COVID-19-pandemic gradually, we ask for your understanding that the restrictions on
meetings in the Kingdom Hall, house-to-house service and public witnessing cannot
yet be relaxed. In close cooperation with the Governing Body, you will receive further
information from the branch office in due course.4/29/20-E Ge
Differences between UK and US Corona Virus TV Updates
by ThomasCovenant ini'm in the uk, and most days over the last 2 weeks i've watched the 5pm uk government update on the corona virus situation which includes questions from the media.
generally speaking i've found the whole update, including the questions and answers, to be respectful, informative and non combative, with, to the best of my recollection, very little mention of politics and blame.
certainly no political point scoring.
not liking either governmanet i have to admit that the British side seems to have understood what is going on (at last since the PM is in ICU himself), while the clown heading the US government is still not grasping what common sense dictates in situations like these
WT study April 5 - how uplifting! How happifying! How encouraging!
by sir82 infor you poor saps unfortunate enough to have missed yesterday's zoom watchtower study, i thought i'd prepare a little summary for you.. in fact, to keep things really short, i'll just highlight the outstanding verbs from the article.. paragraph 2: do not view.
paragraph 4: think seriously about the warning.....partake unworthily.
paragraph 5: do not feel...does not give....do not feel....would never tell.
and all of this encouragement regurgitated from a 2016 Watchtower as nobody was able to produce anew a similarly faith stregthening article to prepare 8000000 hearts and minds for the most important day of the year...
3 German Files Arrived--2 Letters and Video!--(As of March 23, 2020)
by Atlantis in3 german files as of march 23, 2020.. .
2020-03-18 letter.
2020-03-20 letter.
Life and Ministry Meeting aka Midweek Meeting
3 German Files Arrived--2 Letters and Video!--(As of March 23, 2020)
by Atlantis in3 german files as of march 23, 2020.. .
2020-03-18 letter.
2020-03-20 letter.
Video: First 5 minutes: A lot of fear-mongering
well, not really, the video is the regular LMM for last week, introducds by the coordinator of the local Branch Committee, who is quite normal, at least in comparison with Stephen "the Clown" Lett