Not quite as much as the joy of not knowing.
JoinedPosts by sizemik
greatest show on earth
by unstopableravens ini wanted to start this thread two weeks ago,however i have had alot going on with wifey and the elders,that is another thread.
to be honest my mind has been on my family.
i will be able to discuss the book tommorow morning.
Jehovahs Witnesses and psychiatric diagnoses?
by Marvin Shilmer injehovahs witnesses and psychiatric diagnoses?.
today i added a new article to my blog sharing information from a 1983 study published in the journal for the scientific study of religion addressing religious affiliation and psychiatric diagnoses.
this article pulls information from an excellent academic study that is often misunderstood and therefore underutilized for its value.
Big Pharma. We all know who. No names needed. What we, the average person, get to see of them is usually in pill form. You can get a pill for damn near everything now; from your hair falling out, pimples, "personality" disorders and mental illness (don't get me started), travel sickness, that rash that won't go away. Need a good stiff erection? No sweat ... there's a pill for it. And then of course there's that stuff some gulp down by the truck load . . .
more ...'s not forget vaccines . . .
Even the supermarket varieties, you know, the ones that used to be prescription only?, well . . . that could be some nasty shit too . . .
I'm deliberately avoiding the psychotropics. To hell with going down that rabbit hole today.
So ... do we collectively gulp a lot of crap we don't really need to? The bottom line is that the pharmaceutical side of health care is big business. And, what big business is, big business does ... it maximises profit. It develops, manufactures, packages, markets and sells a product. Who does it sell to? Two markets; In the case of over-the-counter products, it's direct to the public. That's why it's all over your TV screens. The advertising is more along the lines of lifestyle choice than health remedy . . . eg;
The other is the Health Industry. This too is a rabbit hole with some dodgy odours. The issues and structure of subsidies etc., is worth investigating, particularly the economics. But how does a pill eventually end up in your mouth? Because it's prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner who deems it appropriate for you, and most often believes it is. But the medical practitioner is a customer too now, and often the recipient of "aggressive" marketing . . .
I've heard of such practices in other countries, but to hear it was common here was a surprise.
I am aware however, of two cases whereby drugs that were effectively treating the patient, were unneccesarily changed with adverse effects, before being changed back again. On one occasion the change was subsequently over-ridden by the original prescriber, a hospital specialist. The reasons were never nade clear. In light of the Herald article, clearly the choice of when and what to prescribe is NOT always influenced by patient need alone.
But these drugs are trialled and are safe right? We hope so . . .
more ... a nutshell . . . Clinical Trials are normally carried out by the manufacturer and the data made available. If approved, Field Trials are then conducted by the Health Industry, using volunteers from the public. Naturally, the trials are compared. If finally approved for public use, the drug may then be subsidised by Govt.
I recently participated in a field trial where the adverse effect percentage from the clinical trials was significantly less than what the field trials encountered; 14% versus a massive 44%. The experience prompted some research, some of it linked above.
Like any Industry, Big Pharma is a profit seeking Industry that needs new markets and competes to survive in these somewhat less forgiving economic times. The pressure to steer close to ethical boundaries, or even cross them, has never been greater.
To state the obvious . . . It's probably wise to take a cautious and educated approach to it nowdays.
ED; Thanks for your patience . . . your paragraph (above) puts it in perspective.
Jehovahs Witnesses and psychiatric diagnoses?
by Marvin Shilmer injehovahs witnesses and psychiatric diagnoses?.
today i added a new article to my blog sharing information from a 1983 study published in the journal for the scientific study of religion addressing religious affiliation and psychiatric diagnoses.
this article pulls information from an excellent academic study that is often misunderstood and therefore underutilized for its value.
Marvin, good discussion.
- What if anything does the Watchtower organization do to improve the mental health of whoever ends up among its adherents? . . . Marvin Shilmer
There's the other side of that coin too . . .
- What among thier practices or beliefs can be postively identified as a threat to mental health? Or is it a general lifestyle effect?
Also, this question begs addressing . . .
- What of those who contract a mental illness as a result of leaving or D/F'ing - who are no longer "JW's" Should they be recognised? How?
Opinions can be offered but that's all.
It's been said before, but obtaining reliable survey data that joins all the dots, is sadly still scarce. My personal experiences paint a dark and pervasive problem, but that may not be typical.
Trouble with formatting that info on Big Pharma . . . I'll try and re-post.
music: no hidden catch, no strings attached
by J. Hofer in
share some of this kind.
What is your strangest "supernatural" JW story?
by donny ini had just became a witness and a guy i worked with, who was also a jw, told me a story that actually made me laugh and i think it upset him a bit.
the storys were almost always in the third person.
it went as follows.. this brothers wife and him were sitting at the kingdom hall on the end seats of the row next to the back of the room.
We had an old German dude in a wheelchair who was a (sort of) pioneer. One day out in service alone, he dropped a wheel over the edge of the path and toppled over. He managed to collect himself and find his magazines ... all still within easy arms length, despite the very windy day. He reckoned an Angel had put his foot on them. He went on to place them all that morning.
Although, this supernatural asshole was quite happy to stand back and watch him fall over in the first place . . .
greatest show on earth
by unstopableravens ini wanted to start this thread two weeks ago,however i have had alot going on with wifey and the elders,that is another thread.
to be honest my mind has been on my family.
i will be able to discuss the book tommorow morning.
You are reading an "Atheist" book because you promised . . .
You found things objectional about the writer immediately upon opening it . . .
Everything has to be judged by a WT standard . . .
You are trying to stuff knowledge into a closed mind.
Unless you have a geniune desire to learn, you're wasting your time.
Jehovahs Witnesses and psychiatric diagnoses?
by Marvin Shilmer injehovahs witnesses and psychiatric diagnoses?.
today i added a new article to my blog sharing information from a 1983 study published in the journal for the scientific study of religion addressing religious affiliation and psychiatric diagnoses.
this article pulls information from an excellent academic study that is often misunderstood and therefore underutilized for its value.
Many of these surveys provide data which relects a status quo, but the critical question has never been satisfactorily answered . . .
Do fundamentalist cults attract the psychiatrically comprimised . . . or create them?
Thanks Marvin.
question regarding humans only using a small percentage of the brain
by Matsimus inhello, i want to discuss with my mother about jws saying we only use a small percentage, and that we will use the entire brain when we become perfect in the paradise.
if someone could provide me with som references or quotes about this from the literature, i would really appreciate it.
thanks in advance :).
Most Jehovah's Witnesses only use about 1% of their brains . . . BOC
Yeah . . . during the 'Aha' moment just before they leave . . .
I am beginning to wonder
by mouthy inwhy am i closing all the threads.
i am so sorry if i dont give the right answer.
Take a number Tater
New Girl
by excitesinceredetermination inhello to everyone :) i wanted to introduce myself as a newbie.
i was raised in and i am currently on active status due to most of my family being very much in, but i am so ready to be done and have felt that way for quite some time.
internally i know this is not the right religion without a doubt.