You may be experiencing an anxiety problem . . . go talk to a Dr if it persists.
JoinedPosts by sizemik
im so stressed im throwing up
by unstopableravens init just all hit me at once,i was with a friend earlier talking and i felt really good after our talk.
went down my moms,and wifey text me she going to meeting,and all this stress and anxiety hit me all at once.
this crazey it consumes my mind and no my body.
Interesting Jesus cults
by Christ Alone inlarsinger and his posts got me to thinking about others that believe/believed that they are/were jesus.
i started looking up a ton of info and stumbled across some pretty interesting cults.
i just wanted to create a thread to talk about or post videos, links, or articles about modern day cults that you have found interesting.
You either don't read my posts thoroughly, or you are an idiot. . . . size
Congratulations on your bitter insults, is that really the best you can do. . . . mP
I gave you a choice . . .
Suggesting you don't read my posts properly is not insulting . . . so clearly you see yourself as the recipient of the insult. Seems fair.
Now you have another choice . . .
Continue to be insulted as an idiot . . . or go back and read my posts thoroughly, make a retraction, and apologise, like an intelligent person.
I'll wait . . .
Interesting Jesus cults
by Christ Alone inlarsinger and his posts got me to thinking about others that believe/believed that they are/were jesus.
i started looking up a ton of info and stumbled across some pretty interesting cults.
i just wanted to create a thread to talk about or post videos, links, or articles about modern day cults that you have found interesting.
Dont go around making false statements attributing goodness and other good qualities to Jesus. . . . (your accusation)
Firstly . . . point out where I've attributed good qualities to Jesus. . . . (my question)
SIZE: 1) He openy invited followers . . . "Come be MY follower" mP: He only invited jews . . . (your answer)
To twist it to be some future prophecy that has yet to come true is totally dishonest because thats not what the text says. . . . (your accusation)
It's obvious you had no idea which of the many statements using this figure of speech I was referring to. So you latch on to Rev as a strawman to attack, and avoid the initial issue. Another FAIL.
Maybe your phone has a cracked screen? You either don't read my posts thoroughly, or you are an idiot.
Either way you answer both mine and CA's question about you.
Why do people proudly say they belong to Jesus ?
by mP ini know what the statement means im just baffled why anyone would select words like "belong" or a that they are a "servant" of jesus ?.
i mean ive never heard anybody say they belong to their parents or their spouse, so why are they property of jesus as in servitude ?
why would anyon e then go about making boastful pronoucnements about how great jesus is after he requires total servitude ?
And if you do fuck up . . . you're already off the hook. Not really servitude at all when you think about it.
An interesting chat between Dawkins and Gervais
by cedars ini obviously don't agree with everything that's said (especially when gervais talks about agnostics!
), but it's an intriguing discussion between two clever people, and some mostly good reasoning on display..
Or the replacement of a filter with a different one. We've all got filters. . . . bts
Can't disagree . . .
Only because it's one of those over-simplifications designed to make a sweeping generalisation in order to dismiss the specifics of the issue.
You win.
Interesting Jesus cults
by Christ Alone inlarsinger and his posts got me to thinking about others that believe/believed that they are/were jesus.
i started looking up a ton of info and stumbled across some pretty interesting cults.
i just wanted to create a thread to talk about or post videos, links, or articles about modern day cults that you have found interesting.
Dont go around making false statements attributing goodness and other good qualities to Jesus. . . . mP
Firstly . . . point out where I've attributed good qualities to Jesus.
Secondly . . . who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and can't do? . . . or does mP stand for Military Police?
To twist it to be some future prophecy that has yet to come true is totally dishonest because thats not what the text says. . . . mP
I believe the text I had in mind says in full . . .
“I assure you that the time is coming—and it is here!—when the dead will hear the voice of God’s Son, and those who hear it will live." - John 5;25
John expanded on this ressurrection prophecy in Rev. If it has been fulfilled somehow, perhaps you could point that out?
Christ used this deceptive figure of speech on several occasions, and the expectations they created are plain to see in the epistles . . . expectations that were never fulfilled, just like the expectations created in the OP examples.
Interesting Jesus cults
by Christ Alone inlarsinger and his posts got me to thinking about others that believe/believed that they are/were jesus.
i started looking up a ton of info and stumbled across some pretty interesting cults.
i just wanted to create a thread to talk about or post videos, links, or articles about modern day cults that you have found interesting.
Weren't the 1st century Christians just another "Jesus cult?"
Their leader displayed all the exact same traits . . .
1) He openy invited followers . . . "Come be MY follower"
2) He claimed divine origin and connection . . . "I speak not of my own originality . . . but speak the words of him that sent me." But at times was evasive . . . Q: "Are you the son of God?" . . . A: "You yourself are saying it."
3) He condemned established religion . . . pointing to it's flaws and demonising the leaders . . . "The Pharisees have taken the seat of Moses" "They pray in the broad ways." "Your house has been abandoned."
4) He created a "them v us" mentality . . . "You are no part of the world" "He who is not with ME is against ME"
5) He invited persecution . . . "The nations will hate you on account of my name" "Let he who wants to come after me, pick up his TORTURE STAKE and follow me continually."
6) He displayed hypocrisy and double standards . . . He advised the disciples to assemble some weapons (swords) and the said to Peter "He who takes up the sword will perish by the sword."
7) He claimed poverty and frugality . . . "The son of man has nowhere to lay his head" but they clearly they had income, as Judas was assigned to care for the money.
8 ) They proselytised enthusiastically.
9) He made ambiguous prophecies that sounded imminent, to create fear . . . "The time is coming and it is now . . . "
10) He legitimised the break-up of families . . . "I come not with peace but a sword, to seperate a mother from her daughter in law etc . . . " To a man that lost his father . . . "Let the dead bury their dead"
11) He was rejected by the mainstream and considered dangerous.
Without the enthusiastic complicity and endorsement of his followers, who we rely on as the sole source of information, Christ is just another religious cult leader in the same vein as the above. His followers were never raptured, didn't go to heaven, and didn't experience any miraculous transformation into paradise. I fail to see any difference. -
An interesting chat between Dawkins and Gervais
by cedars ini obviously don't agree with everything that's said (especially when gervais talks about agnostics!
), but it's an intriguing discussion between two clever people, and some mostly good reasoning on display..
I don't mean to be confrontational or anything . . . tec
I'm confronting you anyway LOL
'our way is the right way', 'they can't enjoy or appreciate life or art as much as we can', 'if they thought about it some more, they might come to know what we know,' etc. . . . tec
I didn't actually hear the 1st and 3rd quote, and I think the context of the 2nd quote is important, i.e.; in response to "some suggest the scientific view is bleak and cold"
Rather than a "we know better" claim. I saw the point being made as, that faith, or belief in god, puts in place a filter, through which everything else is strained and viewed. And that non-belief is simply a removing of that filter . . . would you not agree?
I thought Dawkins response to the question "What would you believe if you had been born pre-Darwinian?" i.e.; "I would probably believe in god" to be a fairly honest, and underscores the point. It's the proponderance of evidence, or lack thereof, that shapes the view . . . not a desire to feel superior. In my experience, that's a motivation more common to faith.
An interesting chat between Dawkins and Gervais
by cedars ini obviously don't agree with everything that's said (especially when gervais talks about agnostics!
), but it's an intriguing discussion between two clever people, and some mostly good reasoning on display..
I'm wondering why there is so much animosity between these two philosophical belief systems. . . . 00DAD
I believe Gervais answered that from the Atheist perspective early in the discussion (the comment on killing homosexuals). When you focus on the damaging features of religion in general . . . it's easy to become passionately disgusted with a lot of it on moral grounds. The animosity is entirely understandable, because the existence of one threatens the other . . . but for entirely different reasons. It's those differing reasons which are most telling IMO.
Incidentally, they are not "two philosophical belief systems" . . . a false dichotomy. One is a philosophical belief system(s), the other is a rejection of it. There is no "belief system" attached to Atheism, only what is known and what isn't . . . and there's plenty of both.
Argentina Must Suffer!
by metatron in
the banksters are afraid.
argentina must suffer, not succeed!
I do not believe that the USA will have an Argentinian/Greek/Zimbabwe style crash of its currency economy, or anything else. I expect some rogue going ahead. . . . problemaddict
No argument from me on that . . . the USA's crafting of it's crash is entirely unique. It's our idea of "rogue" that probably differs.