Siddhashunyata - What you say sounds intuitive.
gravedancer - Good comments. I would like to add some thoughts to what you said.
You cannot prove that fairies don't exists either.
Hey, what about the dimes I got from the teeth under my pillow? But seriously, the universe might be potential evidence, whereas I have no reason at all to believe in fairies. Whether the universe is valid evidence is still inconclusive. I'm stuck.
Again just because something is so big or so out of scope from our thinking ....avoid assigning "supernatural" labels to it. Perhaps try reading some of the work of Dawkins ("The Blind Watchmaker" for instance).
It seems the more I learn of the universe and life, the more in awe I become that it works. I have read Watchmaker and accept evolution as a force in general, but I also have a few issues.
Don't accept anything that you cannot prove.
You're right. But it's hard to see that at times. When being a JW, you think you have absolute proof and then little by little, pieces of that pseudo-truth start to fall apart until the whole thing collapses.
We are "moral" for one reason only - self preservation.
Perhaps "species preservation" as well? That would help describe certain altruistic animal behaviors. The only "moral" it seems I am left believing right now is not harming others (excepting those who wish harm on you). Of course, this can be seen as self-preservation too.
I have left my religion, but still want to seek answers.