LucidSky....You really are Donny aren't you...admit it!!!!....LMAO!!!!
Shhhhhh!, I'm not. And don't forget to watch my new... I mean Donny's new show this fall!
when i was a jw kid, one of the ways we amused ourselves at assemblies, conventions, and the local kh was to play "spot the celebrity".
fortunately for us, the joyful throngs of jehovah's people were brimming with celebrity look-alikes, so we were able to enjoy many upbuilding sessions of "spot the celebrity".
here are some celebrities i have spotted on jwd.
LucidSky....You really are Donny aren't you...admit it!!!!....LMAO!!!!
Shhhhhh!, I'm not. And don't forget to watch my new... I mean Donny's new show this fall!
when i was a jw kid, one of the ways we amused ourselves at assemblies, conventions, and the local kh was to play "spot the celebrity".
fortunately for us, the joyful throngs of jehovah's people were brimming with celebrity look-alikes, so we were able to enjoy many upbuilding sessions of "spot the celebrity".
here are some celebrities i have spotted on jwd.
i am not sure where i stand with god anymore.
my questions about his presence, or lack of, never seem to satisfy me.
is it important?
Shakita, although I'm not a parent, I went through the same kinds of thoughts as I struggled to define "God". In the end I just decided that if the situation ever came up, I would provide ethical guidance and answer questions and let my kids make their own decisions. Who's to say that the God identified in the Bible is the correct one? I took it for granted for far too long that this was the case.
I think one of the negatives surrounding religions such as Christianity is that you put great faith and hope in an afterlife of some kind. Then once you reject that, you come face-to-face with your own mortality -- not a pleasant experience after being taught your entire life that you'd live forever. So maybe death really is the end? I had to consider that a likely possibility now that I'm agnostic.
seeing that this forum is getting into evolution and individual theories, i would like to lengthen the envelope and ask who on this forum is willing to admit that he/she subscribes to communistic ideologies, and why?.
guest 77
I love communism! In theory it should provide equal levels of fairness to all its citizens. So IF human nature was highly altruistic, communism would be ideal. But human nature doesn't work that way. Greed motivates (i.e. capitalism usually outperforms due to higher rewards) and people value ownership (i.e. private property is seen as more valuable than public property).
I agree with larc. But for those who are devoted to a cause greater than the individual -- early Christians were known to have a communist-style society -- communism can work.
Also please note that dumb-ass governments we've seen in China, Russia and elsewhere are basically totolitarian with some communist principles mixed in.
could you please take a few minutes to answer the following questions:.
1. your age.
2. how long were you a witness.
1. your age 282. how long were you a Witness birth to about 24
3. how long have you been out of the religion. 28-24, uh 4 years, I think
4. which of the following symptoms did you experience as a witness.
4a. depression 4b. low self esteem
4c. anxiety
4d. psychosis
5. Today, which of those symptoms do you have? just anxiety
6. Today, how would you rate your overall degree of happiness 1. much less happy than as a JW 2. somewhat less happy 3. just as happy 4. somewhat more happy 5. much more happy.
if i had to answer this i suppose i would say im not sure which one i believe, i have always wondered why the universe is so huge and always wondered what its role is and how it affects us.. im always fascinated when i look up at the sky and think to myself i feel so small in such a huge universe a sought of cold isolated feeling is what i experience and then i think, i wonder why this planet came to support life after all it was supposedly all happened by chance.. dont get me wrong im no scientist but i think i need more convincing regarding evolution.. can anyone help regarding these questions
Pom: When I asked "Pom, do you believe that God could create through evolutionary processes if He so decided?," you said "yes".
I would agree. Do you also think that the creation of new species constitutes evolution? If so, then couldn't God be using the process of evolution to create new species? How much of a stretch would it be to continue that path into forms of greater and greater diversity?
while discussing jw's concept of jesus as a god (in a yahoo group), the following was posted to define "monotheism".
i'm looking for comments or thoughts from everyone here before i post a my reply.. asked for a definition of "monotheism" and/or "biblical .
monotheism" which would allow for the existence of multiple gods.
I would venture to say that Biblical monotheism is merely henotheistic, a recognition that other "gods" exist (Jesus, Satan, angels, powerful men), but that only one god is absolute. Some Trinitarians attempt to deny that the word "god" can apply to anything but the Absolute god.
if i had to answer this i suppose i would say im not sure which one i believe, i have always wondered why the universe is so huge and always wondered what its role is and how it affects us.. im always fascinated when i look up at the sky and think to myself i feel so small in such a huge universe a sought of cold isolated feeling is what i experience and then i think, i wonder why this planet came to support life after all it was supposedly all happened by chance.. dont get me wrong im no scientist but i think i need more convincing regarding evolution.. can anyone help regarding these questions
Pom, do you believe that God could create through evolutionary processes if He so decided?
if i had to answer this i suppose i would say im not sure which one i believe, i have always wondered why the universe is so huge and always wondered what its role is and how it affects us.. im always fascinated when i look up at the sky and think to myself i feel so small in such a huge universe a sought of cold isolated feeling is what i experience and then i think, i wonder why this planet came to support life after all it was supposedly all happened by chance.. dont get me wrong im no scientist but i think i need more convincing regarding evolution.. can anyone help regarding these questions
By virtue of the fact that speciation occurs, evolution occurs. New species have been created in labs and in certain natural ecosystems. Minor evolutionary changes can even be seen in the races of humans due to environmental factors such as exposure to sunlight or temperature.
It IS possible that the universe came into existence or was guided through a superior entity. No one could ever prove otherwise. But who's to say this entitiy was the Christian God of the Bible? There is more evidence against it. And I, for one, can no longer believe an all-loving God would choose to create a universe that feeds on the death of its creations.
Still searching for answers...
in all the years i was a christian minister, i never preached a sermon about the evidence for a historic jesus.
there was no need for such a sermon.
i stood before many congregations and associated with many ministers, evangelists and pastors, and not one of us ever spoke about the possibility that jesus was a fable, or that his story is more myth than history.
Since the time I finally rejected Christianity (initially on a philosophical ground, then scientific, then historical) -- I've always wondered about the motive of those who were responsible for the creation of the myth. Was it deception for personal gain?