dungbeetle - Are you familiar with any of his beliefs?
Amazing - Well, my beliefs are in flux right now since I've finally abandoned my Christian-God theories, in reluctance though. I guess it's difficult giving up the hope that you can be immortal, happy and morally flawless.
I'm not sure of the exact differences, but I'm thinking pantheism might include deism, but not the other way around. Doesn't deism believe in a personal deity or deities?
I'm guessing that God is above us but is either imperfect, ambivalent or impersonal for a few reasons. Here are my current "Theism Theories":
(1) God might exist. We can't disprove he doesn't exist. But is the universe even possible if he doesn't?
(2) God is omnipotent. The universe astounds, staggers and confuses me. It is beyond awesome in size, power, complexity, etc. Even our own existence is beyond my understanding.
(3) God may or may not be omniscient. Perhaps we are just God's science experiment or play toy or his imagination?
(4) God is not perfectly loving. Why doesn't he love us enough to save us and everything else?
(5) God is not perfectly just. Why has life been full of evil and hurt for millions of years?
I note that many pantheists also believe that God is omnipresent. I never really explored that as a Divine aspect but I have no problem seeing it either way. Although, you could say, if once only God existed, then the universe must still be part of God too. Omnipresence seems to be a more outstanding feature among Trinitarians (I'm unitarian).
And... there is no religious book for pantheists to seek out evidence from -- except for the universe, of course. And it provides some way cool non-virtual reality!
But I'm still forming ideas and that's why I'm searching and seeking other's thoughts.