spender - I did it one time when I was falling down a steep stairway. I just started to float and "swim" through the air. I woke up shortly afterwards because I realized I was dreaming, but it was fun while it lasted!
JoinedPosts by LucidSky
my dream last night....
by wonderwoman77 ini had the weirdist yet very good dream last night.
i do not want to forget it, so i thought i would record it here.
in my dream i was going to a follow up play of the vagina monologues.
I can prove that God does not exist.
by LucidSky injust thinking.... i can believe that a higher intelligence entity (hie) cannot be proven.
i am willing to accept that a hie cannot even be definitively induced, even for marvels that we cannot demonstrate at this time (e.g.
natural transformation of elements into living material).
Realist - I have recently become agnostic as well.
SYN - I could find very little on Kurt Godell and his theorem. But in short it says that that there are statements in arithmetic that cannot be proved. That implies that math and therefore science are incomplete. I have studied scientific philosophies a little bit. So I would also agree in theory. SYN, how would you apply this to the discussion?
Hyghlandyrs Four Pillars, his Hygh Geas.
by Hyghlandyr insome of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Hyghlandyr - I examined a little on omnitheism, but couldn't find much. It accepts all theories (perhaps even ones that don't exist?) as truth, correct? The biggest question in my mind is how to resolve conflicts. Not all of these ideas can be true in any absolute sense. In that case omnitheism seems more like a perspective: "Hey, that guy believes such-and-such, so that's true for him. This gal believe this-and-that, so that's true for her."
my dream last night....
by wonderwoman77 ini had the weirdist yet very good dream last night.
i do not want to forget it, so i thought i would record it here.
in my dream i was going to a follow up play of the vagina monologues.
There is a technique called Lucid Dreaming (no relation) that attempts to take over control of dreams. First step - recognize that you are dreaming; second step - do not wake up, which often happens when you realize you are dreaming; and third - project your own imagination into it. I tried it a few times, but haven't succeeded completely because I seem to enter a semi-concious state where I'm not awake, but lost the vididness of the dream.
[email protected] that's not counting LucidSky's
Alas, Beck, I can only dream...
Is Anyone a Pantheist ?
by LucidSky inis anyone a pantheist ?.
in my search for the meaning of life, it has been only a month or two since i've actually become agnostic.
my reason for the final rejection of christianity was that i could not believe a god of love, justice and wisdom would create a world that along with life/pleasure would also foster death/suffering for seemingly infinite numbers of innocent and not-so-innocent beings.
Justin - Thanks for your comments/clarifications. When I was a Christian I eventually decided the writers were once inspired of God, but not their writings. Now my faith in Christianity has been shaken so much by what I've seen that I cannot accept a morally perfect God exists.
Siddhashunyata - I have some similar thoughts. But I might disagree with your statement: "Ideas, ideas, ideas ...what happens when we stop forming ideas? The truth comes forward directly." There are various scientific philosophies from inductivism to falsificationism to postempiricism. To me it seems that "truth discovery" cannot be entirely empirical, since we cannot explore/observe all things. We need creativity along with observations (whether our observations are real and accurate is another issue) to formulate new frameworks and theories. New observations will then either confirm or deny our ideas. -- Any ideas or observations on this?
drahcir yarrum - Perhaps God or a higher power is a crutch. But I am at a loss to explain this cosmic accident we call "life".
dungbeetle - It sounds like your hubs might believe in a kind of karma?
Great comments so far. Thanks everyone.
Hyghlandyrs Four Pillars, his Hygh Geas.
by Hyghlandyr insome of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Hygh - Thanks. Will check them out further.
Xena - Hmmm... I don't know if we should give you deification or not. What would you do with infinite cosmic power?
Is Anyone a Pantheist ?
by LucidSky inis anyone a pantheist ?.
in my search for the meaning of life, it has been only a month or two since i've actually become agnostic.
my reason for the final rejection of christianity was that i could not believe a god of love, justice and wisdom would create a world that along with life/pleasure would also foster death/suffering for seemingly infinite numbers of innocent and not-so-innocent beings.
dungbeetle - Are you familiar with any of his beliefs?
Amazing - Well, my beliefs are in flux right now since I've finally abandoned my Christian-God theories, in reluctance though. I guess it's difficult giving up the hope that you can be immortal, happy and morally flawless.
I'm not sure of the exact differences, but I'm thinking pantheism might include deism, but not the other way around. Doesn't deism believe in a personal deity or deities?
I'm guessing that God is above us but is either imperfect, ambivalent or impersonal for a few reasons. Here are my current "Theism Theories":
(1) God might exist. We can't disprove he doesn't exist. But is the universe even possible if he doesn't?
(2) God is omnipotent. The universe astounds, staggers and confuses me. It is beyond awesome in size, power, complexity, etc. Even our own existence is beyond my understanding.
(3) God may or may not be omniscient. Perhaps we are just God's science experiment or play toy or his imagination?
(4) God is not perfectly loving. Why doesn't he love us enough to save us and everything else?
(5) God is not perfectly just. Why has life been full of evil and hurt for millions of years?I note that many pantheists also believe that God is omnipresent. I never really explored that as a Divine aspect but I have no problem seeing it either way. Although, you could say, if once only God existed, then the universe must still be part of God too. Omnipresence seems to be a more outstanding feature among Trinitarians (I'm unitarian).
And... there is no religious book for pantheists to seek out evidence from -- except for the universe, of course. And it provides some way cool non-virtual reality!
But I'm still forming ideas and that's why I'm searching and seeking other's thoughts.