Matty, Connie - I can relate too. I felt very social-shy when I first started dating for real (still do sometimes). Even with friends I would try to cover up my past or not discuss it at all. Eventually I started sharing and it lead to some good conversations and enhanced other persons' understandings of me.
I do believe that the topic needs to be introduced a little at a time with new friends or dating partners and only when you feel comfortable with him/her. It's not something I would bring up on a first date... or second or third! An important thing is to not let the other person know it affected you too deeply -- at least not immediately, like larc/PLH already said. If you do, they may start thinking "Hmmmm, emotional baggage... Welp, see ya!" Unless you suffer from bitterness or depression, it should not be an issue at all. ExJW's can actually make great partners.