Well, I have had my fun lol. Sorry for wasting your time, but it was nice while it lasted. Whenever I get bored I will probably lurk here. Take care everybody!
JoinedPosts by POWER_OF_YOUTH
Two A's on my quizzes (whew)
As far as the date, its the fact that we quote trust his word about 539 BCE but not 589 huh?
LOL I actually ran into the same problem! When I was studying Evolution and seeing if what I had could stand up to that. When the brochure was first introduced the brother, in FULL confidence, was like "Oh, we have references, check them if you want." So I did, and I actually stumbled across some website where someone pointed them out. So at first I am like......."God dangit, that dude was paid to encourage us to check the references. Welp, my mom isnt going to be a happy camper." So I kept scrolling through them, and it turns out what they did was take a sentence that summed up the general idea of the quote. For example.....here we go. No copy paste? =(
However the vast majority of those fossils consist only of bones and isolated teeth. Complete skulls let alone complete skeletons are quite rare.
Our quote above
Theirs below
What this book further attempts to do, bearing in mind that results from studies of small numbers of post cranial fossils have not been overly persuasive within the profession, is to carry out these studies using larger samples. This means that we can better know populations through averages and variations, and be less depndant on the vagaries of single, possibly far more average specimens. Such studies have to be done on teeth because these are the only anatomical parts that are available in such large samples. Using teeth means we lose the functional inferences that can be readily derrived from post cranial bones. But we gain from the marked improvement in same sizes.
What we said was true, and although scientists may be using teeth to study population averages they do admit to about losing the "functional inferences that can be derrived from post cranial bones." And if I have been paying attention in science class, taking note of the changes over time is key to Evolution as.......well you get to see and infer how certain species evolved lol. Is it a misquote and deceptive? In this regard, you can definitely argue semantics. I think it could be a misquote but not so much deceptive. Will look into the 589 thing later.
What? o_O (checks out some info)
So the issue is, why trust Ptolemy(huge apologies for any errors with this info as I only spent 20 minutes reading through some of the info) with the date of 539 and not 587?
Also, granny you called my mind partly handcuffed? LOL jerk. Anyways, will do and I hope to hear from you soon SBC
Thats a cool story, if I had a heart I would almost call it "sweet" lol. As far as love at a young age I am conflicted on the issue. I mean it seems as if most people need to sow their "wild oats" before becoming ready to settle down. Of course there is always an exception to this, but marriage is a two way street and its very difficult to determine whether the other peson feels the same way or whether they will hit a "mid life crisis" and ditch you to head to Vegas, blow 10,000 bucks on black jack, and marry some stranger they met while under the influence(replace my extreme hypothetical with w/e you want lol) so its safer to wait until you both are older.......plus you will have more life experience which won't hurt. My spiritual big sister was educating me yesterday about this. She mentioned that married couples who talk bad about marriage usually do it because of personal experience. And its like I had a mini epiphany because my memory flooded with various couples who gave me the whole "marriage is very difficult, it has a lot of ups and downs, and wait until you're 25 speech." Granted, I don't think im confusing a realistic approach with a negative one because these couples never mentioned a single positive experience about marriage. Wheres the "its very difficult BUT yadda yadda yadda....." or what have you.
She also mentioned a few couples in our hall and how one sister married a brother because everyone else was doing it and how she didnt even love him at first. Another mentioned that one sister wants to have kids right now but can't because her husband doesnt want to. Granted I am pretty sure, or at least hoping, that she realized this and just decided to make a sacrafice to marry him. The final couple she mentioned experienced the same problem as the first in which the wife didn't love the husband, but as for why they did get married.....perhaps she got caught up in the wedding day (shrug). Just hearing all of this kind of made me scared of marriage though. I mean assuming that these stories are true what on earth happened to common sense? But, I will cross that bridge when I get there, if I get there lol.
And truer words have never been spoken granny LOL. It seems as if with guys its sex first then love, while with women its the opposite. A good looking girl will definitely catch my eye, but if I meet a girl who is genuinely kind she will basically turn into a super model into my eyes. I know thats a cliche quality, but it can be hard to find sometimes with all the gossip and such. Hope your having a good day though, and I hope things start warming up in Canada for you.
I can't wait until Wednesday/Thursday. Im so nervous about my test results.
As far as the masturbation thing. All of that is true, but we can't forget what is stated at Matthew 5:28. This scripture used to confuse me when I was younger because I would reason "How can you possibly avoid this sin when women were created so.......so so so so well?" Lol, but with this it seems that Jesus was targeting our intentions. Before with the Mosaic Law it was a sin just to commit fornication. However, it seems that Jesus was encouraging us to attack the problem from the root. Its not easy......or 100% totally possible (come back my beautiful latin bikini model >_O lol) but at the same time he knows we are mere earthen vessels made of dust.
Masturbation seems to encourage the opposite of that, at least it did in my personal experience. Hence, as hard as it is we are encouraged not to do it. I know you think I am probably half crazy...........but all of this seems to make sense to me.
Oh! And about marrying young, maybe the elders or whatever encouraged that but that definitely isnt scriptural. Still, you have crazy people where ever you go I guess lol.
I had a rough week and had 3 different tests to study for =(. Glad thats over, anyways..........
I heard about those 8 day conventions......I would have died lol. You have to explain the bumps thing to me though because I didn't quite understand it. As far as masturbation, I used to do it from age 13-15. Honestly, I would have been better off without out. I just didn't enjoy looking at a woman without being able to picture her in bed after a while. It made me feel weak and like I didn't have any self control and I felt like I was disrespecting women in general. Thats just my personal experience though. I will say though that to feel guilty enough to commit suicide over it is pretty sad =(. I look back on it now and while I wasn't proud of it, it certainly cannot compare to murder in my eyes. As far as what Jesus would have said on that specific matter.....I can't imagine that he would support it, but I can't imagine that he would send someone on a lethal guilt trip either.
Hey Finger, it seems as if most of you guys were witnesses back in the 70s? 80s? That must have been a crummy time to be one. Some of the old, strict friends in my hall must have been much younger and much more energetic back then lol. I think part of the reason why I can't agree with you guys off the bat is because things aren't as bad as they were back then. Of course, we are still encouraged to do as much as possible but you do always have the option of saying no(one of my favorite words.)
Im up granny! Anyone want to post their story or past dealings with this religion?
The tricky thing with relationships is that both parties are always changing. So how do you know that the person you meet won't end up becoming your worst enemy in 10-20 years?
Anyways, pleasure to meet you granny lol. Rest assured I am looking into this religion. So far its what I expected it to be. But, I just spent 2 hours studying and I got to catch some sleep. Night everybody.